Pay in Full

Regular Price is $4,500

Early Bird Rate

available until
 March 22, 2025

Payment Plan

Regular Price is $4,500

Early Bird Rate 
$417/month for 8 months

available until 
March 22, 2025

Still have questions?

You can speak with a member of Joanna's team! 
Click the button below to schedule a time:

The Curriculum Lab

Simply enter your information below to be notified when we open enrollment:

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We hold your personal information sacred. Please see our Privacy Policy for more details.

Life Changing Courses

Craft a transformational world-class group course
that will WOW your participants, 
generate referrals & repeat business, 
and establish you as a leader in your field. 

If you are a seasoned leader, but your groups aren't as deep or engaged as you'd like...

...this training will teach you exactly how to yield more breakthroughs that your clients and audiences rave about.

If you are a new course creator, worried about creating a potent & unique curriculum...

...this training will teach you exactly how to confidently create a powerful curriculum based on your expertise (even if you're not sure yet what your expertise is).

If you haven't figured out how to lead programs that have participants buying from you over & over...

...this training will teach you exactly how to create experiences for groups that keep them engaged, always moving towards results, and buying from you again & again.

Life Changing Courses is for you if:

  • You are done with feeling that your content sounds like everyone else's
  • ​You are done wishing your groups could experience the magic & depth your 1:1 private clients receive
  • You are done with always having to enroll new clients because old clients don’t continue with you
  • ​You are done with worrying you won't be able to navigate resistance or handle the energy of a large group
  • You are done with struggling to organize all of your ideas, not knowing how to create cohesiveness from it all.

Or maybe you’re done with simply dreaming that one day you’ll teach a course,
but keep... not creating or completing the content... 

Because it feels so daunting, overwhelming and confusing.

When you learn exactly how to create outstanding curriculum & lead your groups to profound transformation, you are poised to change more lives...while also generating more referrals and repeat business!

By the end of Life Changing Courses, you will:

  • Have a fully designed, powerful curriculum that delivers deep results
  • Master group facilitation so your sessions are engaging, effective & transformational
  • Feel confident & clear in your course structure & client experience
  • Sleep well at night knowing you are doing phenomenal work & making greater impact.
  • Stop wasting so much time & energy correcting what didn't go well in your groups.
  • ​Know exactly how to create more repeat clients and referrals (without feeling "salesy") because folks are in love with the work you did together

This is the only program that gives you both high-level strategy AND hands-on support to get your course fully designed, marketed, and ready to launch!

 This is an invitation to leap into your next evolution as a leader & beloved teacher who activates deep transformation with clients.

For you, for your business growth, and for those you serve.   

In Life Changing Courses, you'll Deep Dive into:

  •  Getting clear on your Unique Thought Leadership
  • Crafting Your Highly Effective Curriculum (the one your ideal clients need & want!)
  • Experiential & Somatic Exercises that go Deep for Massive Transformation
  • Becoming a Masterful, Trauma-Informed Group Facilitator
  • ​Learning how to Navigate & Mitigate Client Resistance in your Group 
  • ​Creating Community that Fosters Safety, Vulnerability and Belonging for your Participants
  • ​Doing the Inner Work to Claim Your Place as a Transformational Leader & Facilitator
  • Filling Your Group Programs through Effective & Ethical Marketing Strategies
"My course is launching soon and before I've even opened it up, I have clients waiting to sign up! Life Changing Courses is a win/win/win all around! Thank you Joanna!"

— Robyn Vogel

"If you’re ready to take your thought leadership and turn it into powerful curriculum that delivers on your expertise in powerfully life changing ways for your clients, Joanna’s support is invaluable."

— Tara Sage
"With Joanna's guidance and the container of support that she created I was able to create a 3 month group course and coaching curriculum that will allow my thought leadership to shine. I also wrote my sales page copy with Joanna's guidance and now I'm ready to put my course out there!"

— Kelly Melear-Hough

Life Changing Courses can help you to:

Grow Your Curriculum

  •  Develop your authentic body of work
  • Articulate your unique thought leadership (what you're really meant to teach!)
  • Demystify content creation, stop running in circles, and cut your prep time
  • Organize all of your experience and wisdom into a cohesive curriculum

Grow Your Leadership

  • Feel confident in your ideas, and to stand up in front of any room (virtual or in person!) to coach, teach and lead
  • ​​Lead in ways that energize you
  • Lead a roomful of participants who are gushing with love & empowerment from the experience
  • ​​​Create the kinds of shifts that have people all good ways

Grow Your Facilitation

  • Teach so the learning actually sticks permanently instead of falling away as soon as your participants leave the session
  • ​Make your programming way more interactive, experiential, and dynamic
  • ​​Craft somatic exercises that deeply impact your participants hearts and souls
  • ​Navigate any resistance, block or emotion that comes up in the group

Grow Your Business

  •  Immediately stand out from the crowd. Your differentiation? Mastery, excellence and exquisite transformational skills
  • ​Enjoy a business that is so much easier to market because of Glowing Fans… More referrals. More repeat customers…your outstanding reputation will precede you
  • ​Know exactly how to lead clients to continue into your other programs
  • Become known as the leader with gravitas and depth
"’I've worked with MANY of the “top coaches” in the industry and none have compared to Joanna...When you work with Joanna you get access to ALL of her and her magic—a magic that is unlike any other and that you simply have to experience in order to comprehend its capacity."

— Lexi D'Angelo
"I am forever grateful for Joanna's wisdom and her coaching mastery. She's definitely the best of the best!"

— Christine Dyan
"Joanna's Life Changing Courses is by far the BEST transformational group program I've ever participated in - and I've enrolled in dozens over the past 6 years! My facilitation skills and my confidence in how I show up as a leader have improved beyond what I ever thought possible. It was the best investment of time and money I've ever made in my professional career."

— Margalit Grunberger

When you’ve created a Life Changing Course that you love… You literally become a different person.

You gain confidence. You can stand powerfully in the knowing that your work rocks. 

It has gravitas. And it’s changing people’s lives on a deep level.  

This is the mark of a true transformational teacher.

Marketing becomes easier. Sales become easier.

Referrals to you become more routine and clients are more likely re-sign over and over again.

And delivering outstanding results for your clients happens over & over & over again. 

And Life Changing Courses is going to support you to do just that.

This is not your run-of-the-mill "Create Your Course" course.

This is not about one-size-fits all templates, or cookie cutter formats, or  creating your program in a day (yes, excellent curriculum does take more time than that!).

This is about creating your work as if it were ART. This is an exercise in creativity to give a unique voice and experience to your work, so that it leaves a mark on every soul it touches.  

A Life Changing Course creates transformation & results
that leave participants amazed and so grateful... they remember you and your leadership for years to come.

A Life Changing Course creates transformation & results
that leave participants amazed and so grateful... they remember you and your leadership for years to come.

Over the course of our 10+ Get-It-Done-As You-Learn weeks together...

You will learn how to create the most transformational exercises possible and craft a full curriculum based on your unique well as learn to facilitate with true gravitas...with tons of support & feedback from me all along the way!

Here's what you’ll receive: 

Unit one

Get Clear on Your Unique Thought Leadership & Craft a Highly Effective Curriculum

We’ll unpack the core elements of your thought leadership and create the framework that allows your work to stand out as UNIQUE & SPECIAL, and your students to experience learning through arcs, pacing, crescendos and culmination. This will create the core teachings and content flow of your curriculum.  

You will:  

  • Uncover your unique Thought Leadership so that your work stands out (& so that you don’t fall into the trap of teaching content that is “in the ballpark” but not totally aligned)
  • ​​Understand how to take your complex content and simplify it in a way that retains its depth but doesn’t confuse
  • ​​Learn how to create teaching topics that go beyond sounding nice on paper but truly change your clients’ lives
  • ​Weave the entire experience of your curriculum into a cohesive whole that packs breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough for your participants
  • ​Learn the difference between a linear Hero's journey and a cyclical Hero's journey and how to incorporate both into your curriculum

Unit TWO

Create Experiential & Somatic Exercises that Go Deeper for Massive Transformations

Most of the content out there reaches people only on the conscious intellectual plane, where it is easily discarded by the more powerful forces at play… the heart, the body, the subconscious, and the emotions.  

When your curriculum is set up to reach ONLY one level of processing and learning, it doesn’t do the job of transforming your clients on ALL levels of processing and learning.

You will learn to:  

  • Craft cognitive, somatic & experiential exercises that are simple, yet massively transformative
  • ​Set up your somatic & experiential exercises for true effectiveness (there are specific elements you MUST include in the set up and ending of ANY deep exercises so that participants get what they need).
  • ​Replicate the power of your intimate 1:1 work into your group and coursework (without having to "coach" each person in the room!)
  • ​Catalyze breakthroughs via your content and your content delivery
  • Activate all 4 Levels of Learning and Processing - the Mental Level, the Emotional Level, the Spirit Level and the Body Level (these make all the difference for breakthroughs and life long learning)
  • Infuse your curriculum with exercises and practices to reach students with different learning styles


Become a Master Group Facilitator:
 Transformational, Trauma-Informed & Ethical Group Containers

Having masterful facilitation skills is KEY to creating any kind of group & transformational experience that is effective, empowering and safe. How you set up & hold the space will determine if your participants will get bored or won’t go as deep as they could, or get upset at you or others in the group.

It’s important that the way you lead engages and captivates your students from beginning to end, and that you do so in a trauma-informed way. 

You will:

  • Create exercises & rituals to re-activate and captivate your audiences from the get-go
  • ​Learn how to get participants excited and engaged with every class
  • Master creating depth & safety in person or online
  • ​Learn to create a safe and sacred container, even before people step into the room, so that your group feels like a tight community that is ready to be open and do deep work.
  • Understand The Master Formula for Kicking Off Courses, Retreats & Workshops – why the first 45 minutes of ANY program are the MOST important for engagement, safety and vulnerability
  • Learn trauma-informed facilitation skills so that your group work is productive and ethical

Unit four

Learn how to Mitigate and Navigate Client Resistance in Groups 

Something most course creators & leaders don’t know when they start: Your participants will at some point naturally go into Resistance, not only to their goals…but to YOU.

Unfortunately, I’ve seen this happen to facilitators over and over again. You’ve created a beautiful ritual or retreat, your clients are engaged and learning, and then all of a sudden one participant takes the group hostage. This participant has no boundaries or awareness of other people’s boundaries so she speaks for way too long, or demands more and more of your attention. She may have an inappropriate outburst or say something very offensive to someone else in the group. When this happens, it’s extremely difficult to recover without getting frustrated and entering a power struggle. We want to make sure you know how to handle this.

You will learn:

  • ​ ​How to do deep work without activating un-moveable resistance.
  • ​ ​How to get buy in from your participants and bypass eye rolling or resistance or confusion (even when you're doing spiritual or "woo" work!)
  • ​ ​How to handle participants who talk-endlessly or over-share, and do it in ways that feel empowering for them and the entire group.
  • Develop exercises to transform resistance to your content and teaching so that your students are fully open and ready to receive (if you are truly teaching your Thought Leadership, it is cutting edge, and there will be resistance to work through)
  • ​ ​What to do when a participant can't stop crying or gets physically overwhelmed by a breakthrough.
  • How to Adress the Major Archetypes of Resistance & Disruption: The Judge, The Know-It-All, The Sarcastic One, The Confused One, The Angry One, The Jester, The Victim, The Flake.​

Unit Five

Create Communities that Foster Safety, Vulnerability, and a feeling of Belonging for your participants (that they’ll never want to leave)

Any group experience isn’t just about the leader or guide who is facilitating. It’s about everyone in the room. You need to have a solid step-by-step process for creating a sense of community that will help everyone feel welcomed, seen, and connected.When you do, you’ll create one that is engaging and transformational – where clients participate, open up, learn from you and learn from each other.

You will learn:  

  • How to bring a circle or community together immediately, create love, respect, and connection in the room (even when everyone just met for the first time 5 minutes before).
  • People always tell me I attract the most amazing people in the world (which I do), but I also facilitate to bring out the best in every person present. I’ll teach you how to do this too.
  • ​How to create more engagement, more sharing, and more vulnerability.
  • ​How to craft a community that is so tight, that part of the value of your offering is the power of the community (& they want to keep on coming back to be with each other!)
  • How to facilitate shares, check-ins and Q/As so that no one person dominates the group, speak for too long, or has the group feeling like what is being shared is irrelevant
  • ​Best practices for using the "chat" as a learning and community tool
  • How to shape and organize breakout rooms and partner exercises so that deep connection and learning take place​​​​​

Unit six

Claiming Your Place as a Transformational Leader & Facilitator 

Being a truly transformative leader & facilitator isn’t just about having the best facilitation skills. You can have the best skills in the world, but if you haven’t fully stepped into the Archetype of the Transformational Leader, you won’t be as effective or feel at peace.

You will learn:  

  • ​ ​How to find your unique facilitation Style and Voice (this is not about you "leading" like me or anyone else out there...this is about you tapping into your own special sauce and leading like YOU!).
  • ​ ​How to activate your deeper leadership skills (so that you know you are being effective, ethical, and trauma-informed every step of the way!)
  • ​ ​How to develop your confidence so that you're not held back by "I'm a fraud" or "I'm not good enough" or "I can't handle the energy of the group" and more.
  • ​ ​How to overcome fears or reservations around your leadership or facilitation skills so that you are FREE to take risks, be experimental, lead big and small groups effortlessly and don’t stress so much about it.
  • ​How to respond to tough & doozy questions from group members (because this will definitely come up!)
  • ​How to stay in your leadership when problems arise and you need to think & act quick

Unit seven

Logistical Systems, Pricing, Course Components & Special Frills that Take Your Program from Amazing to Over-The-Top

This Unit contains all of the connective tissue skills, components, materials and systems that help your Life Changing Program run smoothly and powerfully. These are also the pieces that allow you to conserve your energy, even if you are leading 100s of people at a time.

You will learn:  

  • ​Learn the philosophical differences between workshops, masterminds, retreats, group coaching, memberships and home study courses...and how to leverage the power & format of each for potent client results
  • ​Understand the many different educational & transformational formats and components (including Q/A calls, mastermind calls, Get It Done calls, Cohort calls, etc) you can incorporate into your programming, how to determin which ones to use, and how to use each with ultimate effectiveness
  • ​How to price your program in a way that is alignment with who you are and where you would like your business to go
  • ​How to create and leverage Bonuses in your that your course becomes even more valuable and sells more easily
  • ​The most effective tracking and accountability structures you can incorporate into your courses and programming and what you need to do to create programs that truly help participants yield results
  • ​The best and most effective ways to craft and use worksheets and resource that you stop wasting time on busy work and really focus on the materials that will move your participants forward
  • ​Exactly, step by step, what to do at the end of a program so participants decide to re-enroll with you
“Life Changing Courses deepened my already deep facilitation skills! Joanna is a master transmitter. I already noticed my space holding skills having matured in my first day of delivering a course after completing Life Changing Courses."

— Kellita Maloof
“Joanna's clear guidance...allowed me to take my clients through a powerful and life-changing healing process in an online format, something I had never thought possible!”

— Diana Beaulieau
“My private clients are achieving clarity faster than before. This program was one of the best I’ve experienced in the last few years.”

— Wendy Sabin

Life Changing Courses includes:

Twenty One Hours of  LIVE Training
Mondays at 2pm eastern
Solid gold content, Dozens of tips & techniques, and time for work-shopping and Q & A

15 Additional hours:
3-day Online Retreat

Yes! we get 3 days together to go EVEN deeper so that you stand more and more in who you are as a Transformational Leader

8 Hours of Get-It-Done Sessions
Fridays at 12pm eastern

We'll come together almost weekly for you to come craft your curriculum, in community, with feedback

Easy-Peasy Curriculum, Exercise Creation & Inner Work Worksheets

So that you have all the followup instructions, content & resources you need to do work on your own


Not only on training and Get It Done calls, but through our Highly Interactive Facebook Group where you can submit your full curriculum & receive notes from Joanna directly

Plus These Amazing Bonuses! 

  • ​​Marketing Bootcamp to Help you Fill Your Life Changing Course (Value: $1997)
  • The Art of Client Transformation Virtual Retreat (Value: $497)
  • ​How to Craft Journaling Questions & Sequences (Value: $297)
  • ​Scores of ​Logistics & Scheduling Templates (Value: Priceless)
  • ​​Lifetime access to module recordings + resources

Our training Begins in April 2025!

Regular price: $4,500

Early Bird pricing of $3277
or 8 payments of $417 until March 22, 2025

The Schedule

(all training calls will be recorded in case you can't attend live!)

Live Training Calls
90-120 minutes and take place (mostly) on
Mondays at 12 PM PST/3 PM EST

  • November 7: Mine Your Thought Leadership & Shape Your Course Journey
  • November 13: Map Your Hero's Steps & Content Points
  • ​November 20: Go Even Deeper with your Curriculum
  • ​November 27: Craft Your Curriculum Anchors
  • ​​December 4: Anatomy of an Experiential Exercise
  • December 11: The 5 Experiential Exercise Types & Pathways
  • December 18: Experiential & Somatic Exercise Lab
  • January 2: Choose Your Course Type & Leverage Your Course Components, Bonuses and Worksheets
  • January 6: How to Navigate Online Tech for your Courses
  • January 22: How to End an Online Course so that Participants Re-Sign with You

Pre-Recorded Calls

  • November 29: Create your Course Contracts, Templates and Scheduling Systems (pre-recorded call)
  • December 13: Journaling Questions & Sequences (pre-recorded call)
  • December 20: Intro to Online Ritual, Circle and Ceremony (pre-recorded call)
  • January 8: How to Facilitate Breakout Rooms & Manage Chat for Everyone's Learning (pre-recorded call)

Get-It-Done Sessions
90 minutes and (mostly) take place on
Thursdays at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST

  • ​​November 10
  • ​​November 16
  • ​November 21
  • ​November 27
  • ​December 7
  • December 14
  • ​December 21
  • ​January 4
  • ​January 8
  • ​January 18

January 12-14: THE ONLINE RETREAT!

Topics Include:

  • ​Activating your Transformational Leader Archetype
  • ​Creating Safety & Being Trauma Informed
  • ​Creating Community Engagement
  • ​Intro to Working with Shadow
  • ​Going Deeper with Online Rituals
  • ​How to Lead Transformative Q/A sessions & Answer Tough Questions

Plus: these Incredible Bonuses:

Plus: The Incredible Bonuses!

Over $5,000 in Added Value—
FREE When You Enroll!


1:1 Curriculum Feedback 
+ "Get It Done" Sessions

You read that Correctly! we will be providing
extensive personalized feedback on your work!

VALUE : Priceless ($3000+ estimated value!)

You won’t just learn about curriculum design—you’ll actually get it DONE during this program!

  • Personalized review of your entire curriculum outline (YES—Joanna will personally read your work...and not just once; as many times as you want to submit!)
  • ​8 LIVE 90-minute “Get It Done” sessions with direct feedback from Joanna's expert team
  • ​Get real-time answers & expert suggestions so you never feel stuck
  • ​Overcome procrastination & resistance—this support ensures you FINISH your course!

By the end, you will have a potent, deep, unique curriculum based on your thought leadership. 


Marketing Bootcamp:
Fill Your Life Changing Course with Ease

VALUE : $1,997

💡 A 2-day intensive to help you market & enroll with confidence! : 

  • Craft a powerful marketing message based on the Life Changing Course you've created
  • ​The 7 components you'll need for an effective sales page or PDF...with Get It Done Time to start creating and receive feedback from me!
  • ​Develop ideas for sales emails and social media posts that have readers and viewers wanting to learn more about your course
  • ​Ethical and trauma-informed strategies for generating prospects
  • ​Best practices for copy that sells
  • ​Host a preview event that will knock the socks off your participants and have them excited to work with you


Done-for-You Templates 
& Logistics Systems

VALUE : Priceless!

save yourself tons of hours & heartache with

Save hours with ready-to-use templates for smooth, stress-free course delivery:

  • Template Group Welcome Letters
  • Template Group Contracts
  • ​Template Schedule & Re-Schedule Emails
  • ​Template Re-Schedule Emails
  • ​Template Accountability Partner Instructions & Emails
  • ​Template Payment Emails
  • ​Template Close Out Emails


FREE Access to the 3-day virtual event: 
The Art of Client Transformation

VALUE : $497
so that you can become even more effective in your coaching & leadership

A 3-Day Virtual Event to Create Deeper Breakthroughs, Lasting Transformation & Turn Your Clients into Raving Fans. Creating Real Change with our clients requires Real Leadership. 

Skills. Practice. Experience. Confidence. And a willingness to journey through the Shadows.

Being a transformational practitioner is an honor… and a responsibility. 

The Art of Client Transformation is a 3-DAY Immersion for Practitioners who are called to do the deepest level work of human change and transformation. 

This Retreat is an Intimate, Experiential EXPERIENCE where you won’t just learn with your “mind” - you’ll learn and transform with your heart and somatically, with your body. Massive a-has will bring you to tears. Heart-Opening Breakthroughs will help realign your entire perspective.

Transformation will be palpable in each and every moment

This training event in the Art of Client Transformation that will activate you to:

  • Go deeper than you’ve ever gone in your work with clients (deeper than 99% of other practitioners)
  • ​​Have way more confidence and wherewithal to be bolder, more authentic, and more effective in your marketing
  • ​Connect way more deeply to yourself, to the gold hidden inside your shadows, to your brilliance and your potential

** Important Note: This event will take place in October 2025. We will ask you for a small RSVP deposit to hold your space for this event. Capacity is limited so that all attendees can get feedback, attention and time for questions. This $47 deposit will be refunded to you on the first day of the live event!.  The event is not recorded.


Journaling Questions & Sequences for Breakthrough Exercises

VALUE : $297

Journaling Questions and Sequences, when done masterfully, can activate and bring forward wells of wisdom, clarity and insight from your participants. It allows your students and clients to go deeper into their awareness, creating breakthroughs that wouldn’t be accessible otherwise. 

Journaling can take a great curriculum and add layers of depth and gravitas to make it a phenomenal curriculum. You will be blown away at what comes through your participants when you master this skill!

In this Bonus, you will: 

  • Unlock the power of group journaling exercises
  • ​Learn how to quickly craft journaling sequences that create breakthroughs
  • ​Learn how to use journaling sequences that create accountability and motivation to action
  • ​Understand the mechanics of potent journaling sequences
  • ​Activate a deeper level of your own journaling for transformation practice
  • PLUS: You'll also receive an additional bonus recorded Moon Circles and Experiential Ceremony, and you’ll have the opportunity to not only experience these very sacred experiences, but then I'll systematically all the ways I led and facilitated them so that you are fully armed with online facilitating skills that go beyond the actual content you teach.

“Unlike other programs and courses I had taken previously, Joanna's method allowed for total creative freedom within a structure that helped me reach my end goal of creating something I was passionate to share....

And, the community itself was I N C R E D I B L E ! I really don’t say that lightly. It was absolutely amazing! The amount of support we all had from each other was worth the price of admission alone. Such an amazing group of people eager to grow, share, support and soar together!  

I LOVED LOVED LOVED it, from start to finish. It absolutely blew me away and definitely left me wanting more of Joanna and the incredible communities she creates."

— Lindsay Davis

Life Changing Courses is all about:

Curriculum & Facilitation
that gets results.

Not just any curriculum that you haphazardly put together or hope will be effective. 

And not just any group facilitation that  simply gets you through your curriculum.

This is about crafting your curriculum to express the culmination of your all of your experience, wisdom, teaching and creative expression that has brought you to this moment.

This is about Group Facilitation that is so masterful that each and every participant 
feels deeply held by you and the container.

Curriculum & Leadership with true substance.

Knowing how to create your content so that it doesn't leave people confused or stuck.
Knowing how to NOT stay surface level, but go really deep with your participants.
Developing somatic exercises that truly change your participants on a cellular level.

And holding deep, safe, sacred space that is penetrating & healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

I already have a course - will this training help me?

Yes! If you are already clear on your thought leadership and have created programs that work well, Life Changing Courses will help you move those programs & your facilitation skills into world-class territory. You will learn how to refine your content, exercises & facilitation skills so that they are even more razor sharp and create more meaningful breakthroughs & results with clients.

I have never led a group program before - will I be able to do this?

Also, yes! Life Changing Courses is suited for seasoned leaders and new leaders. If you've never created curriculum before, you will learn step by step how to mine and organize your ideas and then craft them into a powerful program that has your participants singing your praises.

Will the LIVE training calls be recorded?

Yes. All live calls will be recorded and ready for you in your member center within 24 hours. So even if you can't make calls live, you will receive what you need to create a curriculum that is deep, powerful, and unique to you. You can also ask me questions in our Facebook group at any time!

IWill I get support if I get stuck?

It's too easy to get lost in online courses when you're not supported. We are here for you 110% so you stay on track and inspired through the course. This includes: ample opportunity to ask me questions directly either during our live calls or in our Facebook group, Get-It-Done sessions where you have a fun & motivating container to work on your curriculum in real time, Templates that guide & inspire you step by step so you don't spin your wheels, and lots of examples from me along the way to feed your creativity. All of my programs are high-touch and very personalized and me and my team are committed to supporting you every step of the way!

When does the program meet? Do I have to attend live?

The program begins April 2025.

Our training calls are on generally Mondays at 2p eastern (with a couple of exceptions) and our Get It Done calls are on Fridays at 12pm eastern (with a couple of exceptions). 

Of course we recommend you try to make as many of the trainings as you can live. But that being said, you will be provided a recording of each training session, and some people will choose to watch them in their own time. We will have a Facebook group where you can ask ANY questions you want, and I will always respond within a day or two!

How much time will I need to devote each week?

In addition to training class time each week (usually 90 to 120 minutes), I recommend you put aside an additional 60-90 minutes each week in order to take all you're learning in Life Changing Courses to craft your unique curriculum & transformational curriculum exercises.

If you know that having a container for brainstorming & accountability will help you stay on track, you can spend 60-90 minutes with us nearly each week of the training at a Get It Done session!

It's amazing that this program includes personalized feedback. How does that work?

I am so excited that I get to review your curriculum and give you focused feedback and places to tweak. This is one of my favorite features of the program, and the value is through the rood. At any points throughout our 13 weeks together, you can share your work with me and the group (via Facebook or email if you don't use FB). I will read through your work and give you overarching notes on what to shift, what to tighten up, and where to go deeper. This is an extraordinary opportunity to receive direct suggestions from me on your curriculum.

“I'm walking away having my freshly designed curriculum that takes my students on a powerful journey of healing and transformation, and an entire sales page page that I feel really good about...During Life Changing Courses, I also facilitated an online retreat and used many of the tools and teachings from LCC, and it was one of my best ever. 

I don't have enough words to speak to how powerful Life Changing Courses was. 

Not only this, but after years of facilitating groups, I feel I have a new, powerful and embodied way of approaching facilitation, based on the deep (always deep with Joanna) work we did in the course.

— Kelly Lubeck

Facilitation matters. Integrity matters. Curriculum matters.

And our clients’ results… Matter the most.  

At the end of our time together, you will have a Life Changing Course that over-delivers and meets your clients’ needs like never before... 

Curriculum & Embodied Group Facilitation Skills that will serve for years to come.

 That will provide a framework for everything that you do from this point forward. You will know and understand exactly how to ease-fully and effectively create new curricula over and over and over again, and how to masterfully facilitate any group you lead.

No more inventing of the wheel.

No more worrying that your content isn’t powerful enough.

No more waiting till the last minute to create your curriculum because it feels so daunting.

No more being mistaken as a beginner or as your own coach’s copycat.

No more knowing in your heart that you’re not delivering the best results possible. 

Regular price: $4,500

Early Bird pricing of $3277
or 8 payments of $417
until March 22, 2025

"I feel so much more confident now to design my curriculum and have clear strategies and a structured system to facilitate.

I cannot believe how much was packed in in the LCC and how much we learned about marketing, curriculum writing, hero journey, effective exercises and so much more. I feel so much more confident now to design my curriculum and have clear strategies and a structured system to facilitate. I have already seen a shift in the well-being program I teach and facilitate for a law firm - it just flows better and I feel my facilitation is so much more impactful. Since I started taking courses with Joanna, LCC being the most recent one, I have become not only a better facilitator and coach but a better human. Do the course, thank me later!"

— Annelise Pesa

"I have been relieved of the frustration, self-doubt, and self-sabotage that often plagued my process.

I needed to produce a curriculum that would prepare and usher participants into deep sacred and spiritual spaces for ritual and ceremony. Up until curriculum lab what was needed had evaded me. However, because Joanna is so knowledgeable and skilled, she could hear and feel what was in my way. Joanna supported the necessary leap for my confidence to grow and for me to walk into the power of my creativity.
Everything in the curriculum lab worked for me. I was able to bring my visions into sharp focus. I was able to finally find the right flow for my curriculum. I was inspired to reach for my ideas that were outside of the box and claim them. I was able to validate my unique ideas and incorporate them with confidence, confirming that this is what was needed for the community I serve. But most importantly I was able to discover and embody the "way that I work" and leverage this information. I have been relieved of the frustration, self-doubt, and self-sabotage that often plagued my process. As well as the fear and fatigue I felt when attempting to develop and bring forward my ideas. Curriculum lab is of exceptional value as once I was able to complete my first curriculum in the lab, everything about creating process and curriculum has become exciting, inspired, and deeply satisfying. What used to feel like a burden has become a deep honouring of what is gestating and waiting to be born. "

— Eldra Crow

Meet Your Mentor & Guide

Joanna Lindenbaum

I’m Joanna Lindenbaum and I’ve facilitated hundreds of Rituals, Group Programs and Transformational Experiences for individuals and groups for over 20 years. I’ve discovered that there are certain skills and techniques Transformational Practitioners must master to successfully create REAL shifts, healing and openings for participants.  

Without these tools, things can go very, very wrong. Your workshops, programs rituals & 1:1 work can fall flat, or you will complete it feeling exhausted and spent.  However, when you know how to mine your thought leadership, and how to create exercises that impact deeply, everything can change: your programs delight your clients and they end up doing the best marketing for you - singing your praises wherever they go.

That’s why I’ve created the Life Changing Courses and the Sacred Depths Transformational Practitioner Training. Both programs help you create amazing experiences and deep transformations for your attendees - in trauma-informed and high integrity ways - leaving them raving about the power of your work.  

You are ready...

For your soul-connected work to impact more people. 

To leverage your time by offering group programs that change people's lives.

To really know that your  courses, programs and retreats are the BEST in your industry.

To create Glowing Fans who rave about you & the work you do together.


Three Month Subscription to
Coaching Genie

VALUE : $240

Coaching Genie is one of the easiest-to-use group coaching platform out there with just a 20-minute learning curve and a world-class customer support team. It's designed to streamline and automate your coaching programs (for 1-on-1 clients and groups) so that you can free up your time, deliver an amazing client experience, and scale your business.

As part of Life Changing Courses, I made an arrangement with the founder of Coaching Genie, Milana Leshinsky, to include a 3-month subscription to this software absolutely FREE. If you are challenged when it comes to tech, or if you are looking for a more user friendly delivery platform, this is definitely for you.

Still have questions?

You can speak with a member of Joanna's team! Click the button below to schedule a time:

Or send us an email at