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World-class training for
coaches, therapists & leaders who are
committed to Integrity & Lasting Client Results:

Sacred Depths

Transformational Practitioner Certification


When You  Activate True Transformation in Your Clients' Lives...
You Powerfully Grow Your Business,
& Step Into Your Greatest Purpose


There are those of us who know we must go DEEPER...

& elevate coaching to a profound, transformative experience.

To rise above the noise of "good" service to total excellence
To look your clients in the eye, knowing you can handle their deepest fears & resistances, and deliver on your promise to help them experience something new... something better.


These days, very few practitioners STAND OUT for helping their clients create stellar results and REAL CHANGE:

  • ​If you are nervous about clients being stuck in procrastination or self-sabotage, and then getting upset with you...  
  • ​​If you want to become a coach, but are worried about your ability to co-create real change...and go beyond the surface of their patterns & fears...
  • ​If you are struggling with client retention, & frustrated that clients aren't satisfied enough or renewing...
  • ​If you're only able to activate breakthroughs or progress sometimes with clients, and worry when you can't...
  • If you haven't yet been trained to work somatically, and sense that it's limiting your impact...
  • ​If your work and business are good... but you know you are meant to be exceptional...

This invitation is for YOU...

Sacred Depths teaches you to go deeper with clients...

To  support clients through their toughest blocks,
and to activate knock-their-socks off transformation.

If you are already working with clients, through Sacred Depths you can expect to create:

If you haven't yet trained or worked with clients, through Sacred Depths you can expect to build:

If you long for a transformational business which is

Sustainable, Impactful, and Deeply Resonant

with clients who feel your work together is MAGICAL,
and recommend you whole-heartedly to everyone they know...

...Then you MUST become masterful at transformation.

Creating Powerful Results with client is the ULTIMATE 
Marketing & Business Success Strategy:

You don’t need to over-promise; your results speak for themselves. 

You are more poised to be sought out for the results you co-create.
You feel more confident & authentic in raising your rates or 
becoming more visible and bold in your marketing.  

I would be honored to teach you to become
an EXTRAORDINARY practitioner.

(along the way I'll also teach you about extraordinary marketing too!).

"This program is a must on the path to become excellent and masterful as a coach."

I’ve been a full-time coach for 13 years now. Each year I have a constant drive to get better, go deeper and learn more about my clients.
The Sacred Depths Coaching Program gave me more tools to recognize my client’s fears and resistance, and to help them walk through them. I’ve become a better coach and gotten out of ruts that I didn’t even know I was in. My clients now regularly rave about their sessions and send me emails afterwards saying how helpful they were. This program is a must on the path to become excellent and masterful as a coach.

— Monica Shah, Business Coach

"I have grown immeasurably from participating in the Sacred Depths Coaching course."

Before the course I had a lot of self-doubt -- I had internal 'knowing' but the doubt sprang from not knowing how to use that knowing and how to interact in the world with it, as a whole part of me. Because my 'wiring' is so in line with the underlying basis and assumptions of what you teach, AND because the course gives me an exceptionally practical way for bringing the teachings out into the world, I now feel truly whole and strong. I get to claim something that has always been a part of me and feel there is a place for me professionally as I am in the world. This is a precious floor of confidence. I'm integrating at a heart level and in the last few weeks, I've been able to speak up more and be seen more as who I am in groups. That is a shift.
— Monisha Mittal



Surface-level approaches yield mediocre results, because clients are quite adept at avoiding their own truths and resisting change. Without the skills to uncover what lies beneath & change pattern, practitioners often find themselves frustrated and doubting their abilities when faced with client resistance and stuckness.

The good news: we can do BETTER

With over 20 years dedicated to mastering transformational leadership, I've led hundreds of retreats, workshops, and seminars, guiding thousands through life-changing experiences. And I have been training coaches, therapists and facilitators for over a decade as well.    

I am proud to share that my clients credit our work together as some of the most profound and life-defining work they have ever done. 

They tell me that the experience I lead them through is of higher quality than anything else out there. They thank me for guiding them to achieve their most desired goals, and perhaps more importantly: to become more of whom they are meant to be.

My success with clients has allowed me to feel satisfied, connected to my brilliance, and knowing I am living out my sacred mission in the world. It has also has generated more income for me through clients re-signing and telling their friends than I ever thought possible.

“During Sacred Depths I sold my first two 6-month VIP programs for four figures with so much ease. And both clients have renewed.”

Being a part of Sacred Depths has changed me as a practitioner and a business woman from the inside out. During Sacred Depths, I became so much clearer on who I am as a practitioner and how I am truly meant to serve. During Sacred Depths I also sold my first two 6-month VIP programs for four figures with so much ease. And both clients have renewed!

— Elana Bell

“I’m forever changed and deeply grateful.”

I’m so GRATEFUL for my Sacred Depth’s experience. Joanna is Masterful at generating a space where others experience themselves as seen, heard, and loved.

 As a result of Sacred Depths, I’ve generated close to $35,000 of additional income in the last 6 months. I’m forever changed and deeply grateful.

— Heather Lawrence

And...my clients and students also
create these ROCKSTAR results

They thank me over and over for training them to become truly exceptional at human transformation.

My students are coaches and psychotherapists and yoga instructors and intuitives, and business mentors and transformational speakers and real estate agents and massage therapists and and beyond. 

Some have just begun and others are very experienced practitioners.

But here’s what they all have in common – through my mentorship….    

My clients bring the house down in their 1:1 sessions, and at their retreats and workshops.    

They have raving fans.

My students are known as exceptional practitioners & wise mentors.

Their client rosters grow naturally because their reputations precede them. They know how to handle any client situation with ease. 

I share all this with you because becoming a truly transformational practitioner is not optional if you want to have a thriving, impactful business
that you feel amazing about.

Most practitioners these days have not been taught how to become masterful coaches. 

And you aren’t simply born being Extraordinary (even if you’re a “natural”). 

The only way to become masterful is to learn how. Most practitioner trainings out there don’t teach the “secret sauce” to go from good or great to absolutely exceptional. 

"I can't recommend this course enough!"

Sacred Depths Coaching has made me a better listener, more present to my clients and myself as a coach and helped me facilitate some amazing internal breakthroughs and transformations almost immediately. It has helped me create the invaluable internal infrastructure for my coaching and group programs that was sorely missing. Joanna's work is a gift and business booster....and she is an ever generous, present and wise guide through the whole process. I can't recommend this course enough!   

— Cara Jones

"The work you're doing is deeply important. I recommend you and this course to anyone who wants to elevate their game by going deeper." 

So much gratitude to you for modeling excellence, compassion and ritual, Joanna.

I've been coaching for 17 years, but was drawn to your program to find ways to go even deeper with my clients—beyond business strategy. As things like this go, I learned a lot about myself too.   

The work you're doing is deeply important. I recommend you and this course to anyone who wants to elevate their game by going deeper.   

Thank you.   

— Carolyn Herfurth

Sacred Depths will teach you
how to become Extraordinary and
Activate Profound Client Satisfaction


Being an Extraordinary Practitioner & Growing a Thriving Business

Through this paradigm-shifting, life and business changing journey, you will become an EXCEPTIONAL coach & facilitator of human transformation - as well as radically transform your relationship to yourself - by learning the 4 Foundations of Coaching Mastery

Deep Understanding of Human Nature & Client Behavior

It is vital to intimately understand the nuances of client behaviors, responses, and patterns… understand how humans create protection mechanisms and projections and resistances and beyond. It is vital to have a deep understanding of fight/flight/freeze/fawn reactions and more.

Sacred Depths is the only practitioner program that will extensively train you in the range of human tendencies, human responses, human archetypal behavior and human belief systems, as well as how dominant culture AND personal histories impact it all.

Masterful Coaching & Somatic Transformation Skills

You thoroughly learn the basic, advanced and Advanced-Advanced skills, techniques and tools to become the most effective practitioners you can be.

Even if your Coaching Skills are already phenomenal, Sacred Depths will take them to whole new level of mastery that will have your clients feeling like the work you do together is magic.

You master the skills through interactive training calls, practice sessions with feedback, and lots of modelling opportunities.

Personal Mastery, Energetics &

To go deeper with clients, and to help them regulate even in the face of fear and the messiness of life, you must work through your own fears & Shadows, look at your own belief systems, challenge your own habits and patterns, and be aware of your own trauma responses.

You can only take your clients as far as you have gone yourself. Period.

The work we do together in this certification program will change YOU forever. You will come to know yourself in ways you never thought possible, and transform behaviors and patterns that have long stood in your way.

Business & Marketing Mastery

Business Mastery is NOT about the latest & greatest “funnel fad". 

It is about rock solid communication with those that are meant to work with you. It’s about effective & in-integrity sales conversations.

It’s about knowing how to speak & write to the souls of your ideal client. It’s about being brilliant in how you share your thought leadership. It’s about asking the right questions that pique interest. It’s about knowing how to address resistance. And it’s about owning your confidence so deeply that all of your marketing materials radiate with magnetism.

Every single module of this training helps you with business skills so that you can grow your business in sustainable, ethical ways. 

"Although I am an experienced coach, I’ve never experienced such a broad and rich curriculum as in the Sacred Depths Program."

This training has enriched me with knowledge, skills and wisdom I’ve never found in any coaching program before and has made me feel proud to be a professional coach.The difference for my clients is that I go beyond the surface level, dare to bring them my wisdom on all learning levels by questioning them on all kind of topics, not afraid of touching the dark parts. I can help them befriend their fear, touch the negative patterns, and lead them on their path to make powerful choices in their lives.   

I’ve learned not to hide anymore but to trust myself as a professional coach that I can handle all kinds of situations.

— Nicole Offenberg

When you can confidently co-create better results with your clients,

Your Marketing Becomes More Powerful.

Word of mouth about you is more likely to spread like wildfire. 

You are more poised to be sought out for the results you co-create. 

You feel more confident & authentic in raising your rates or 
becoming more visible and bold in your marketing.   

“I now have more time, money and freedom to create more of the work that I love.”

When I stepped into Sacred Depths, I had a successful bodywork practice that had evolved over 13 years and was ready for a major shift. I knew I was being called to change the way I worked, but was uncertain how to make the transition. I knew my skills for co-creating deep and profound healing experiences were excellent, and yet there was another step I was ready to take as a practitioner. In Sacred Depths I was given even more permission to trust my intuition and allow my client’s wisdom to lead the session.

I found there was enough structure to learn something new, while being spacious enough for me to weave in the medicine, skills and tools I had already cultivated. I was able to completely transform my practice, without it ever feeling like I had to start from scratch.

I now have more time, money and freedom to create more of the work that I love. 

— Tele Darden

“Sacred Depths is one of the best investments in myself and my practice that I've ever made.”

— Beth Conroy

"The program skyrocketed by confidence & changed my life.” 

Sacred Depths provided a beautiful container for upleveling my confidence as a Coach (truly, it even helped me in claiming the title of "Coach" in my work).
When I started Sacred Depths my business offerings were running as 85% "acupuncturist" and 15% "coach" - with a clear intention to balance that out more.
I'm thrilled to say that my business is now more like 60/40 acupuncture/coaching AND I've even had many of my acupuncture clients convert to coaching clients because they are so floored by my skills and the results they receive! New clients now roll in with more eagerness and my sales conversations are converting with much less effort. This program skyrocketed my confidence and changed my life. I am forever grateful and look forward to the next opportunity to train with Joanna. 

— Erin Borbet

"It was one of the best decisions I've made both for myself, my business and my clients...It's truly been an amazing experience and I feel so much more confident in myself after completing the training. And Sacred Depths is a program that just keeps on giving long after the training is done."

— Gregg Berman

The Benefits of Becoming a

Sacred Depths Practitioner

  • Know how to hold deep sacred space for clients to become more self-aware, more regulated, and more ready to take action.
  • ​​You don't flinch when clients encounter obstacles, but knows exactly how to navigate them through it.
  • ​​You teach in ways that the growth actually sticks permanently instead of falling away as soon as their client leaves the session.
  • You hold deep wisdom about human nature and life, and masterfully teaches it 
  • You are effective, ethical & in integrity in your client work AND your business & marketing 
  • You know how to handle client projections, and how NOT to project on clients
  • You know how to not be afraid when big emotions come up (& to look forward to it!).  
  • ​You are a practitioner who is AUTHENTIC, someone who themself shifts, heals and transforms as they step more into who they are as a leader.
  • ​​​You are a guide, a teacher, a coach, whose clients remember you, whose clients and audiences have immense gratitude and love for, whose clients credit as one of the main reasons they are as successful as they are, and whose clients and audiences talk about and refer to others.
  • You know how to work with your OWN fears, patterns, and limiting behaviors; how to hold yourself through your own deep inner work.

"This work and training will put you light years ahead of most transformational practitioners.” 

The inner shifts I've been able to experience alone because of how deeply we engaged with shadow, fear, and resistance have given me the personal tools to face and befriend my demons rather than to be in constant turmoil with them - no longer letting them stop me in my tracks. I have been able to move internal mountains this year alone.  

I've launched my coaching company just 4 months after starting Sacred Depths and have filled half my practice in 5 short months. I am gearing up to launch a group program and I have the confidence to go out in the world and hold space for people I barely know, but deeply know I can transform, help, and return them to their own power, brilliance and inner wisdom. The ripples of this work will never stop. My colleagues in my mastermind have already commented on the breadth, depth, and clarity of my energy and skills 

Anyone who practices transformational sales and is called to inner work, this program will transform your practice, your work, your world, and your life.  

— Lea Artis 

Sacred Depths is the potent blend of
Trauma Informed & Evidence-Based Coaching Skills,
Spiritual Wisdom,
Human Psychology,
Somatic Transformation Techniques,
Shadow Reclamation,
& Ritual Secrets that you've been looking for.

(plus exceptional marketing & business practices too!)


Master the Art of Deep Transformation

  • Stand out as a transformational coach who is known for creating world-class results for participants and clients
  • Discover exactly how to develop questions that creates breakthroughs and deep learning
  • ​​Understand exactly how to lead clients powerfully instead of losing clients and confidence because of mistakes and misfires
  • ​​Instead of spending years trying to figure this out for yourself, I’m going to hand over my decades of knowledge, wisdom and experience in human behavior and transformational skills so you can create real and long-lasting change with your clients
  • ​​Learn how to Re-Wire Negative Thought Patterns so that clients don't continue to stay stuck in old habits
  • ​​Understand how to approach client work and go deep from a totally trauma-informed perspective.
  • Create a new relationship with Perfectionism, one that creates freedom & flow...and be able to support your clients to do so as well.
  • ​Get yourself & your clients off the Wheel of Self-Sabotage
  • Stop projecting old family dynamics onto your clients... and support clients to break out of their sabotaging family dynamics
  • ​​Get lovingly thanked by your clients over and over again for the incredible work that they have done with you
  • ​​Receive more referrals from existing clients to your private & group work + receive repeat business over and over again
  • ​Create more group engagement and more feelings of belonging and sharing in your workshops
  • ​​Know exactly what to do if your client has a meltdown – and how to turn it around for growth and learning 
  • ​Learn how to create accountability so your clients don’t lose steam or interest (as well as accountability for yourself & your business!)
  • ​​On a personal level, you’ll learn how to powerfully attune to the seasons, honor yourself more deeply than ever before, and connect with your most authentic self (all of which are 100% necessary to masterfully coach). 
  • ​​Know exactly how to handle The Judge, The Victim, The Know It All, The Procrastinator, The Flake & many other personas your clients can get caught in.

"The content Joanna presented in the training was worth its weight in gold, but the manner in which she did so is where the magic lies."

What I am most excited about after participating in the Sacred Depths Coach Training is the confidence I now feel that I can help my clients through whatever blocks and obstacles may come up for them (fear, limiting beliefs, old wounds). Before this training, I had lots of “Coaching Tools” from my previous coach training (ICF Certified – 18 month training), but what was missing for me was the deep inner work I needed to experience myself before I could guide my clients through it. I personally had a transformational experience during my time with Joanna. My clients know on a very deep level that I’ve done the “work” that they now benefit from doing themselves!  

When I start a session now, I feel a sense of calm, instead of nervousness, because I know I have been through what they are experiencing and can help them navigate it so that they can cultivate the confidence they want for themselves.

If you are considering the Sacred Depths, my recommendation, is “Stop looking and take the leap!” You won’t regret it, I promise! I wish I had found Joanna before my first training!

— Lisa Liljeberg
— Sarah Van Hoy, PhD
— Annelise Pesa
— Emily Golden
— Altagracia Felix
— Jennifer Kittredge

This is meant for very smart, very evolved
new & seasoned practitioners
who desire to be


The Foundation Level

The Foundational Competencies are explored over a powerful FIVE MONTH journey.
(Please do not underestimate the value of learning Foundational Skills in an Advanced, Nuanced way!)


Foster Powerful Client Relationships & Embody Potent Energetics

The foundation of any highly effective coaching, healing or supporting is the Client Relationship AND in the Energetics that the Practitioner embodies. If the relationship isn’t solid and strong, and if your Energetics aren't aligned, the coaching and the opportunity for results will never really take off. That’s because the Client Relationship is what establishes trust, vulnerability, willingness to take risks, regulation, and so much more. 

No matter how evolved you are, if you don’t do the inner work necessary to be an incredible coach, teacher and mentor, your ego is going to get in the way. Your judgments are going to get in the way. Your own self-doubts and fears are going to get in the way. You will not operate out of integrity and with a commitment to equity. You need to know how to navigate all of this so that you can come to the coaching relationship clean, clear and open. Most coach trainings don’t teach about Energetics and relationships, but in Sacred Depths this is a core, foundational piece that everything else is built upon.


Masterful Listening Skills

Listening skills are absolutely necessary in order to be a stellar practitioner. Most practitioners know how to listen WELL…but they don’t know how to listen masterfully. They don’t know how to hear 3 layers beneath the surface. 

When you become a truly effective listener, you stop wasting time, & you move clients towards results way more quickly & with more integrity. Most importantly: your clients feel seen and heard by you…which is not only one of the most profound experiences you can give your client, but it also creates much more trust, vulnerability and motivation.


Creating Awareness For Deep Evolution

One of the hardest, most courageous…and POWERFUL things a coach can do is create awareness for clients around the Truths that clients are perhaps not willing to see. 

A masterful coach HEARS the Truth that’s under the surface and then knows exactly how to present & reflect the Truth in ways that are loving, supportive, and results-oriented…in ways that don’t shame their clients or shut them down, but instead create massive breakthroughs and healing.

In this module, you not only learn the skills needed for Reflecting Truth, Mirroring, Honoring What Is, Acknowledging and much more... we also work together on your confidence level and level of groundedness so that you are able to deliver the truth with love and power.


How To Actually Get Clients Started On Their Goals

Did you know that for exciting as starting on new goals are, most clients will have a hard time with them? As a practitioner of change, you MUST understand the principles of New Things. 

New goals have a different energy than goals in progress. Clients respond to new ideas, visions, goals, and projects in one of 4 main ways.

 If you, as the practitioner, don’t have a good grasp on these human responses (read: reactions) to starting something new – and know how to detect them - client goals will get foiled before they even get off the ground. If you do, you will be able to lead your client to be willing and excited to initiate their projects every time.


Co-Creating Magnificent Visions

Having a vision is the heart and soul of evolution. Without it, there is nothing to coach on. It sounds simple to sit down and create goals and visions for yourself and with clients, but the truth is that most of the visions that get created in coaching sessions aren’t aligned, and aren’t fully in integrity with the client’s deepest desires…and therefore clients become stuck.

I will help you become an expert at supporting your clients to create aligned visions, to update visions as is needed…and successfully execute them.


Become A Strategizing Master

No matter what your expertise – business, relationships, health, acupuncture, real estate…strategizing is an art that combines your knowledge & experience with being able to help a client find her pace, her rhythm, her strengths, and her gaps. 

If you don’t know how to apply effective strategizing techniques to your expertise, client results will never get off the ground, because their plan and blueprint won’t be personalized for them.


Breakthrough Questioning

Transformations can’t happen without deep understanding and revelation. Some of the best revelations come from powerful questions. Knowing how to craft masterful and effective questions is an art. Each and every word counts . Your specific word choices count. The content direction you choose as the coach counts. Your tone of voice counts. One question can make or break a breakthrough waiting to happen. Good questioning creates progress. 

Masterful questioning changes your clients’ lives and opens up new pathways of growth and possibility...


Setting & Maintaining Strong Containers: Best practices for onboarding, protocols, and boundaries

Whether you are a newer or more seasoned practitioner, holding tight and loving boundaries around your containers and sessions are KEY to cultivating trust, vulnerability, and forward movement with your clients. They are also KEY in ensuring that you don’t over-work, over-give or burn out.

In this powerful module, we will go deep into untangling the fears around setting boundaries with clients (as well as how to support clients to set boundaries in their own lives), and then gain clarity on best practices for contracts, agreements, welcome packets, protocols and more...so that you and clients are well taken care of in your container.

PLUS: You'll receive all of my coaching systems, protocols and practices.

Holding the highest level of professionalism and ethics is a core value here at Sacred Depths. I'll share my exact client management process with you, so that you can create healthy boundaries, while allowing your clients to feel fully valued, seen and heard. 

These tools will allow you to provide the highest level of service to your clients. 

The Mastery Level

Your Sacred Depths Certification continues for another FIVE MONTHS together where you will master these additional Advanced competencies:


The Resistance Archetypes ™

Something most coaches don’t know when they start coaching: Your clients will at some point naturally go into Resistance not only to their goals…but to YOU. 

The Resistance Archetypes for 1:1 work generally show up as The Victim, The Judge, The Know it All, The Flake, & The Needy One and The Procrastonator. If you don’t know how to Navigate these Resistance Archetypes and others, it will derail the coaching relationship and coaching container. You clients will cease to move forward in meaningful ways, and you will feel like you are struggling with them every step of the way. 

Once you learn how to work with your clients’ Resistance Archetypes, a ton of awareness, energy and motivation open up, and you get the greenlight to move forward powerfully with your client. This module is a powerful introduction to working with Shadow.


Befriend Your Fear ™

Fear is one of the biggest factors that gets clients persistently stuck on the road to their goals. Most clients – as well as most coaches! – naturally reject, vilify and run away from their fears. All this does is make your fears stronger. What’s needed is a new perspective and understanding of how fear works in human behavior. 

I’ll teach you the exact steps to take your client through so that their fear can stop being the enemy that gets them stuck in their tracks, and instead becomes their friend, their strength and their support system to achieving what they want. 
Once you guide your clients to stop fearing fear…and start viewing fear as a natural growth process, everything will change for them.


Rewire Negative Thought Patterns Process

Negative Thought Patterns are one of the most debilitating obstacles to growth and happiness. It is patterned and learned behavior, as well as limiting beliefs, that have been with your clients for decades, and that literally becomes grooved & wired into the brain. There are strong, old, and persistent patterns to break, but it is totally possible if you have the right tools.

When you are able to support your clients to re-groove new behaviors, patterns and thoughts….everything changes. Obstacles don’t feel so big anymore. Motivation becomes higher. Excitement and joy get activated.


The Wheel Of Self- Sabotage & The Myth Of Perfection

Way too often, clients will take themselves out of the game because they either get stuck in a cycle of Self-Sabotage or The Myth of Perfection. As a practitioner, you absolutely need to understand both of these phenomena inside out in order to powerfully and lovingly lead your clients out of these closed loop barrier scenarios. 

They are trickier and more complex than meets the eye, and the more skill you have in breaking the patterns, the more forward movement your clients will make.


How To Create Accountability Structures

If you aren’t able to co-create Accountability with your clients, they will fail at the goals they have hired you to help them with. But most coaches, even very seasoned coaches, don’t understand human behavior behind accountability as well as the different Accountability Styles of both the coach and client. 

When you can master these vital teachings, you will stop spending countless extra hours following up with clients or feeling over-responsible for them, and your clients will be fully empowered to take their actions into their own hands and move forward at a pace that is aligned for them.


Embracing The Mystery

Sometimes the most important role a practitioner can have is to support your clients in Letting Go instead of Creating. In our modern world, where so much emphasis is placed on more, more, more and Hell Ya, Let’s Do it!….sensitive or deep-thinking/feeling clients can feel forced into going against the grain of their own nature and natural rhythms. But of course, the absolute best way to grow and achieve desired goals is to work in alignment you’re your rhythms, not against them. 

Because Release and Destruction are vital parts of the Creation process, this is one of the trickiest jobs of a guide (& MOST practitioners don’t even realize that this is part of their responsibility!). It must be done expertly, masterfully and with great care in order to have impact.


Moving In Rhythm With Time

Time is one of those topics that is all-encompassing and that causes deep frustration for those who have not worked on it. If you don’t know how to help clients move in rhythm with time, you will be met with frustration, exhaustion and stress (from your clients and yourself). 

No matter what kind of coaching, teaching or healing you do – Helping your clients manage time and creating an aligned relationship with time is a big key to their happiness, their sense of peace and calm, and their ability to create change in their lives.


The Most Empowering Transformation Tool - Self Love & Compassion

Many of your clients will not have ever experienced the gift of True Nurturing, True Self-Love and True Self-Compassion. This is key to client motivation, to client well-being, and to client empowerment.

The best practitioners out there understand this and know that part of their job is to provide this necessary experience and teach this necessary skill for any human being who truly wants to thrive.


Triggers, Projections and Family Dynamics

In any intimate relationship between two human beings, certain tensions, fears, judgments and expectations will arise. The Client Relationship is no exception to this rule. Both client and practitioner have the potential to be triggered, to be projected upon, and to unconsciously bring their old family dynamics into the picture. As the coach, if you are well trained and have done the inner work to be fully self-aware, not only will you be able to avoid your own triggers and projections, but you’ll be able to easefully use the Client Relationship as a vehicle for healing your client’s own triggers.

This topic is one that most Certifications don’t cover, but they should. It isn’t only a transformation skill; it’s an Ethics issue.


The Off-the-charts Power Of Journaling & Ritual As Transformational Tools

Most likely when you coach, talking will be one of your main modes of communication. However, there is so much power, transformation and forward movement that happens when you add other modalities to the mix. I have found Journaling and Ritual to be at the top of that list.

As a ritualist for the last 20 years, I have seen first hand how bringing ritual actions and the body into coaching creates extraordinary results. Over the course of this module, I will teach you how to use both Journaling and Ritual as companions to your coaching process – both in session and in between sessions. Much transformation happens for coaching clients during their sessions with you. But don’t overlook the incredible progress, healing and shifting that can happen in between your sessions…if you know how to assign homework assignments and Solo Work activities that strengthen and seal the work you’ve done together.

In these classes, I will share with you strategies I use that are home runs every single time. These strategies are rarely ever taught in any type of practitioner training program, but they make all the difference.


The Next Steps Process to Successfully Re-Enroll Happy Clients

The most important factor in being able to re-enroll clients with you over and over again is your ability to co-create results with your clients. That being said, you also need a powerful & effective re-enrollment conversation: a conversation where you are able to navigate your client to see exactly why they want to re-enroll with you and exactly how you’ll be able to help them achieve their next level goals.

The Next Steps process is pure GOLD. You’ll learn step by step how to lead your client to feel amazing about the work you’ve already done and excited to step into the next phase of work with you.

“This is not your every-day coach training program. You will walk away with the skills you need to become a master and leader in the coaching industry.”

 I had already been through a coach certification program but what Joanna covers in the course took my coaching skills to a much deeper level. After Sacred Depths I feel much more able to hold space for my clients to not simply reach their goals but to also experience profound transformation in the process. 

Joanna doesn’t do fluff – it’s deep work and it’s work that will challenge you personally and equip you to support those you feel called to serve. If you’re on the fence about this program, do yourself a favor and take the leap. You won’t regret it!

— Makeda Pennycooke

“The tools I have received are allowing me to direct my clients to find the right answers inside them.”

I had no experience as a coach, and as I was taking this journey my confidence level had increased tremendously, I start working with clients and I see how the tools I have received are allowing me to tap into my wisdom and with so much love and confidence to direct my clients (and my potential clients) to find the right answers. 

I am still impressed with how organized and professional everything was, the way things were presented, the support of the team, the timing, how everything Joanna said that she will do, share, or post was done as promised or more than that. I am so grateful for this program, for Joanna, for the amazing support team -you guys are such blessing. 

— Elinor Miller

Is Sacred Depths

for you?

  • You want to be the best of the best. And you understand that this takes commitment.
  • ​​You want to change lives. And you understand that this means you have an unwavering commitment to your own personal growth and expansion.
  • ​​You consider yourself a true professional. You are unwilling to offer any service unless it is exceptional.
  • You'll be investing in your professional and personal development for as long as you do what you do. Because it's the right thing to do for the people you serve.
  • ​​​You are committed to Integrity: your values around doing right are top priority
  • You KNOW that the strategy for a thriving coaching, healing or transformational business is results... that speak for themselves. Which means clients re-sign year after year, and refer people to you without you even having to ask.
  • You eschew surface level solutions. You long to go deep, deep, deep. and do so with finesse, confidence and gravitas. (You understand that DEPTH is a need to have, not a "nice" to have).
  • ​​​​You care about the results that you create for your clients more than the image you portray through your brand.

“The past 10 months have been a tour de force of learning how to create a solid container for masterful coaching to take place and I couldn't be happier with the impact this has had not only on my clients, but on me as well. "

 I have gained a better understanding of how I can best hold space for inner inquiry and my clients are certainly noticing the difference! If you are someone who facilitates ANY kind of healing work, then I highly recommend working with Joanna as she will uplevel your skills in deep and meaningful ways. That has certainly been the case for me over this past year and I will be forever grateful for all that I am taking away from this program--thank you, Joanna!

— Joli Knott

We Begin October 2024

55 hours of LIVE Training with Joanna

18 hours of LIVE Practicum Time
with Joanna

16 Hours of Recorded Demo Time

  20 LIVE Business Q/A & Case Study calls
with Joanna


18 LIVE Small Group Discussion Session (optional) 

Foundation Level

 Your FIVE MONTH Journey begins October 2024 and includes:

  • All the content and wisdom required to take your clients more deeply into their personal transformation
  • ​​Lots of time for Q/A and direct coaching with Joanna so that make quantum shifts, & have a new found confidence and certainty in serving your clients
  • ​​Coaching Practicums, Role playing opportunities and LOTS of Power Language modeling from Joanna so that you master your craft & receive a treasure trove of exact phrasing to use for specific situations
  • ​​5 months of LIVE Training & Practicum Calls there are approximately 3 calls per month, some months there are additional bonus recorded training and practicum calls. 
  • ​​8 Small Group Discussion Sessions (optional) to go deeper into your learning and integration.
  • ​10 Q/A & Coaching Clinic Calls (optional) to ask any client case study questions or marketing/business questions you have
  • ​Private FB Group
  • ​​350+ Page Coaching Handbook filled with Techniques, Worksheets, Resources and so much more!

(ALL RECORDED; $5000 Value): 

  • ​ 2 Bonus Expert Calls 
  • 5-Hour Authentic Enrollment Conversations Workshop with Sales Scripts & Templates
  • ​​3-Hour Marketing Message Workshop
  • ​​90-Minute Crafting Your Preview Presentations Training with templates
  • ​2-Hour How to Bring in more 1:1 Clients and Group Participants! (with outreach templates!)
  • ​A full suite of Done-for-You Client Care Templates: Welcome Packets, Pre-Call Forms, Scheduling Templates and much more!
  • ​​PLUS: 3-hour LIVE Circle for New & Tentative Coaches
  • PLUS: 5 Months of Access to Joanna for any business, marketing or copy questions you have! (Value: Priceless)

Mastery Level

 Your TEN MONTH Journey begins October 2024 and includes:

  • ​Somatic & Experiential Techniques to support your clients in the deepest & most effective work possible, and help them leap from breakthroughs to real transformation.
  • ​​Personal transformation like you have never experienced it before (because you can't take others where you haven't gone!) 
  • ​​10 months of LIVE Training & Practicum Calls there are approximately 3 calls per month, some months there are additional bonus recorded training and practicum calls. 
  • 18 Small Group Discussion Sessions (optional) to go deeper into your learning and integration.
  • 20 Q/A & Coaching Clinic Calls (optional) to ask any client case study questions or marketing/business questions you have
  • ​​Private FB Group
  • 350+ Page Coaching Handbook filled with Techniques, Worksheets, Resources and so much more!

(ALL RECORDED; $7000 Value): 

    • ​​11-Hour Being Ethical & Trauma-Informed in your Client Work & Business Homestudy
    • ​3 Bonus Expert Calls 
    • ​5-Hour Authentic Enrollment Conversations Workshop with Sales Scripts & Templates
    • ​​3-Hour Marketing Message Workshop
    • ​​90-Minute Crafting Your Preview Presentations Training with templates
    • ​2-Hour How to Bring in more 1:1 Clients and Group Participants!​ (with outreach templates!)
    • ​A full suite of Done-for-You Client Care Templates: Welcome Packets, Pre-Call Forms, Scheduling Templates and much more!
    • ​​PLUS: 3-hour LIVE Circle for New & Tentative Coaches
    • PLUS: 10 Months of Access to Joanna for any business, marketing or copy questions you have! (Value: Priceless)
    • ​A Life-Changing Journey you will never forget

      Become a Certified Sacred Depths Practitioner (Optional)

    As a participant of the Mastery Level, you will be given the opportunity to become a Certified Sacred Depths Practitioner. 


    Display the SD Certification badge in your marketing + website

    Listing in our Sacred Depths Practitioner Directory

    Be interviewed by Joanna Lindenbaum on her podcast

    2 Formal Reviews of Your Coaching Skills

    4 Private Sessions with a Sacred Depths Coach

    Certification Cost: $900 or payment plan*

    *NOTE: This payment will NOT BE DUE until you’ve opted to become certified.

    Additional resources provided:

    Resource Center with extensive PDFs Scripts, Worksheets, Exercises & more to implement right away in client sessions (over 350 pages of valuable resources!)
    ​​Accompanying Inner Work & Personal Development for yourself with each Module  
    ​​Many of the exact templates that Joanna uses to create impeccable Client Care & Client Satisfaction in her own Business  
    ​​Optional Coaching Partner & Targeted Partner Assignments for Skill Practice and Building  
    ​Highly Interactive and Engaged Private Facebook Group 
    ​​A Tight-knit Circle of Like-minded Professionals who are dedicated to Going Deep    
    ​Optional Bi-Weekly Small Group Cohort Calls: to create community, and to be able to go deeper to integrate & embody the amazing course content.  

    “As an experienced coach, I’d highly recommend this for both new and seasoned coaches!”

    When I started Joanna’s Sacred Depths Coach Training Program, I was well into my fourth year of coaching and had gone through some great training already. But I am so glad I invested in SDTP! 

    Aside from all the tools and tips, the best thing I learned was how to think about a client's journey and make conscious choices and why and how to work with a client in any given situation or state of mind in order to help her move towards her desired outcome. Joanna honors the intuition of both coach and client, but taught me how to put words to name the intuitive next step or need that I was sensing. This gave me, as the coach, so much confidence when serving clients who needed to go deep or get uncomfortable in order to move forward. I’d highly recommend SDTP for both new and seasoned coaches! 

    — Gwenn Prinbeck

    “Sacred Depths supported me to shine as a coach, and is truly the best decision I’ve made..."

    I had already been through a coach training program, but was left feeling in my bones that there was more depth I could access, and more skills that I needed. I wanted to be able to do truly powerful work with my clients and to be an exceptional coach, and knew I needed more training. As soon as I heard about this program, I was a total Yes! Working with Joanna has been powerful both personally and professionally. I used to feel unsure of myself with clients, not knowing if I could truly support them in their dreams. I now feel confident that I can show up, go deep, and get to the root with them, and they are achieving amazing and sustainable results. I’m thrilled to have the skills to create powerful coaching relationships with my clients and my groups, which brings them back for more. Sacred Depths supported me to shine as a coach, and is truly the best decision I’ve made as I step onto this new path of my soul’s work.   

    — Jasmine Patten

    "Joanna knows what it takes to create powerful shifts in others."

    If you are ready to make your coaching more deep and meaningful, I highly recommend Sacred Depths! In my work, I integrate the work of many teachers in the transformational industry, and Joanna knows what it takes to create powerful shifts in others. The program is structured beautifully and with great attention to detail. The content is both easy to understand and also immediately applicable. While teaching coaching skills, the greater gift of Sacred Depths is that you can use the processes to connect with your inner self and understand who you are as a mentor and person. Joanna is extremely supportive and kind. She embodies integrity, communicates powerfully and offers so much new language to help you reach your clients in your business, connect with them deeply and help transform their lives. 

    —Ray Mardia


    Join the other elite practitioners who have risen to the top of the industry.

    “Joanna’s experience, expertise and perspective are unparalleled in the transformational coaching industry.”

    The Sacred Depths Coach Certification program strengthened my professional skills, deepened my personal resilience and honored my unique gifts as a coach. The tools Joanna teaches helped me consciously and consistently guide my clients to their breakthroughs and lasting transformations. As a result, I feel more confident in marketing my work. Joanna’s experience, expertise and perspective are unparalleled in the transformational coaching industry. But, more so, she inspires me to keep learning, growing and becoming.   

    — Cory Kemp

    “I started unsure of how I would pay for the course, and ended up with more income than ever before!”

    Joanna makes it clear in this course that going deep with clients really requires going deep with yourself. She makes it clear that integrity is central to making sure your clients have the kind of results that make them return to work with you repeatedly and you can’t ask anything of them that you wouldn’t do yourself. Additionally, Sacred Depths provides many tools to make sure your clients get the results they desire. I started unsure of how I would pay for the course, and ended up with more income than ever before! This was not a coincidence.

    — Michelle Thompson

    “ I am so grateful to have been a part of it all.”

    Have you ever been part of something very powerful, and someone asks you to describe it, and all you can say is, “You’d have to have been there to really get it.” There is an alchemy that happens in the mixture of deep and amazing content, Joanna’s gift for presence and teaching, and the coaches who are attracted to her program. I am so grateful to have been a part of it all.

    — Bruce Anderson


    can do this, too…

    When you learn to create deep and powerful transformation, utilizing skill and finesse that will bring your clients to their knees, by learning how to hold space for others to find their souls, and by honoring the truth in your core that it’s your birth-rite to feel sacred and holy… EVERYTHING CHANGES.      

    And, instead of learning a new coaching “method” – which can only take you so far – you’ll walk away with the confidence and the skills to create your own methods. You’ll be able to create incredible transformational experiences, no matter what content you use. And you’ll step more fully into who you are as a transformational leader. 

    "Joanna is that coach, and Sacred Depths IS that certification."  

    For years, I have secretly wished for an experienced, mastery-level coach to step up and create the certification I wish I’d had back when I was new to coaching. Something that could cut YEARS off the learning curve of an ambitious, highly driven yet empathic woman like me; something with the repeatable secrets of how to REALLY move clients to their success. Joanna is that coach, and Sacred Depths IS that certification."    

    Coaching is more than listening; it’s more than asking the right question at the right time. Coaching is the ability to BE with the wild emotional ride that IS your clients’ process of transformation – while being with your own at the same time! Very few coaching certifications out there speak to this, let alone teach it. But Joanna goes THERE, because she knows that your success depends on more than knowing how to get clients, or feeding them tired “done for you blueprints” without REALLY understanding the inner processes at play when making big leaps.  

    With Sacred Depths, you’ll get exactly what you need to stand out as a coach in today’s crowded marketplace: mastery-level skills that empower you to facilitate epic results for your clients. Too many coach training programs make OTHER things the focus, like marketing and “done for you” content. Instead, Joanna gives you the real-world skills, AND the personal growth for YOU that is required to succeed – for your clients will only go as far as YOU do!    

    Whether you’re new to coaching (just getting started) or you’re an experienced coach looking to get past your own blind spots and triggers so you can take your client results to the next level… Sacred Depths is for you. Joanna will set you up for THE best marketing you could ever have in your business – scores of happy clients you’ve helped in ways greater than you could have ever hoped for, or imagined.       

    — Elizabeth Purvis

    "Sacred Depths is the coach training program that I wish I had started with!"  

    When I was working with clients before I joined, I was feeling like an imposter and doubting my abilities to really help people make deep, lasting change. To the point it was affecting my ability to sell my program. Now that I have completed Joanna's program, I feel way more confident and complete as a coach and I know that will only grow as I continue to practice the skills I have learned. Honestly, I feel like I can coach anyone on just about anything because I have learned to consult less and ask better questions to help the client discover the answers for themselves.     

    — Jen Youngquist 

    "I have used these tools...and they have not only been very effective, but have also boosted my confidence..."  

    Since I am already a certified professional coach, I wasn’t sure how much Sacred Depths would add to my coaching knowledge and skills. In spite of it, I knew I needed better and more in-depth tools to support my clients in their journeys. 

    Joanna shared specific tools and approaches, and each topic was a game changer for me. In addition, she taught me how to incorporate ritual in my coaching sessions and the importance of it in working with the unconscious aspects of ourselves. 

    I have used these tools with myself and my clients and they have been not only very effective, but have also boosted my confidence by providing me with a variety of tools to bring to the sessions. And on top of all these, it has been a great delight to work with Joanna! She is incredibly generous with her time and offerings, and she is a very gifted teacher.

    — Doris Navarro

    The Bonuses

    BUSINESS BONUS #1: (Mastery Level Only)

    Sacred Power: Being Ethical, Trauma-Informed AND Effective in Your Practice and Business (11-hour homestudy! $700 Value)

    I attract the types of practitioners and humans who deeply care about being ethical - in your business and marketing, in your client and group work, and in your lives. Unfortunately, many of the practices in the industry are not rooted in ethics, integrity or being trauma-informed. 

    In addition to all the ways these skills are woven throughout the Sacred Depths program, this is a separate and extensive home study training to give you the skills and the confidence to market and practice in highly effective and ethical ways. (And when you have these skills, you become even more willing to do outreach and take action!).


    Crafting Your Converting Preview Presentations
    ($300 Value)

    I will lead you step by step through my secret formula for creating high-integrity presentations that will knock the socks off of your audiences and have them running to sign up with you.

    Finally, take the mystery out of how to create a preview event that establishes your thought leadership and tips the scale so that ideal clients buy from you.


    Create Your Unique Marketing Message
    ($300 Value)

    In this powerful recorded messaging lab, you will unearth and hone your unique and sacred marketing message. 

    Messaging is KEY when it comes to powerful marketing, and being able to magnetize your ideal clients and build community. We’ll go deep together for you to articulate your brilliances and bigger mission on the planet. After this workshop, you will have much more inspiration (& much more effective words!) for your website, sales pages, newsletters, social media, podcast interviews and more!


    The Authentic Enrollment Skills Training
    (5-hour homestudy & sales scripts; $500 Value)

    If you’re in the business of enrolling clients into work that will change their lives, then it’s vital that you can do so with consistency, confidence and the grounded knowing that you are doing so in a way that is aligned with your work and your values. 

    This 5-hour workshop will teach you to enroll clients in a way that feels good, never requiring pressure and never resorting to manipulation… While maintaining your confidence and power so that you can work with more people and change more lives. You’ll never think of sales in the same way again! 


    How to Bring More Clients into your 1:1 Practice and Programs! (2-hour homestudy; $300 Value)

    In this deep dive, I’ll walk you through my easy-to-execute signature system for gracefully introducing prospects to your work and for ease-fully generating ideal referrals, new contacts, and new opportunities. (Watch out, world! Here YOU come!)

    This training comes complete with Done-for You templates you can use for outreach!

                                                               BUSINESS BONUS #6:

    Business Templates, Marketing Templates, Outreach Letters, Enrollment Scripts, Scheduling Letters and More! (PRICELESS!)

    BUSINESS BONUS #7: (Mastery Level & Available Only thru 8/22)

    Intimate Marketing & Messaging Activation Intensive: A full day with Joanna's LIVE instruction & eyes on your marketing 
    ($1200 Value)


    Submit any of your website, sales page
    or email copy for review & feedback

    Meet Your Guest Business Faculty

    Makeda Pennycooke presents:

    Being Responsive & ProActive to Issues of Race, Diversity & Inclusion in Your Coaching Sessions & Practice

    If you feel drawn to work with Joanna, chances are that it’s important to you to make your practice nourishing and supportive for EVERYONE, regardless of race, religion, gender, and more. Even for “well meaning” coaches, the topic of race, diversity and inclusiveness in your coaching can be tricky. In this session, we will learn from guest speaker Makeda Pennycooke, the ins and outs of cultural sensitivity.

    Rea Wright presents:

    The Scope of Coaching vs. The Scope of Therapy

    Professionals join Sacred Depths Coach Training because they want to go deep and really work on the edges of what is possible within the realm of coaching: facilitating profound transformation on many levels. When you do this work, it is vital that you are able to recognize when a client requires psychotherapy, or is in the midst of an active mental health crisis. Join Joanna with psychotherapist and coach Rea Wright as they discuss these important distinctions.

    Gena Shingle Jaffe presents:

    Easy-Peasy Legal for Entrepreneurs 

    In this super important and informative session, lawyer Gena Shingle Jaffe will share about the most important legal documents you need to start or grow your coaching or practitioner business.

    “Absolutely life-changing!!”

    Joanna’s container is vast yet intimate, and Sacred Depths is an elemental journey for the evolving soul. It is Joanna’s sacred holding of our Ancient Feminine Earth wisdom that makes her the foremost evolutionary practitioner of her generation. Absolutely life-changing!!”

    — Rachel Rose

    “Joanna is absolutely masterful at teaching coaching skills, for both beginners and those more experienced.”

    I’ve shared her coaching tools with my client groups, and they loved her work. I’ve been thoroughly impressed by the quality and depth of her trainings. Highly recommended.

    — Bill Barren

    “Working with Joanna changed my life”

    Working with Joanna changed my life and my work and brought so much more depth and meaning to the service I provide! I am so glad I took the step of signing up for Sacred Depths–this has been one of the BEST decisions I’ve made in my life, and I know this is a gift that will keep on giving!

    — Swati Kameswar

    Here is what this program is NOT

    This is not “Coaching Lite.” In fact if this program speaks to you it is likely that you may have some ambivalence about even calling yourself a coach. You know you can go deeper than most coaches, and you know your work has (or is meant to have) more gravitas. 

    "Coach" is really just the tip of the iceberg of what you will learn to provide & hold space for.  

    This is not a journey you take without deeply desiring in your heart for your work itself to be remarkable, exceptional and truly unforgettable. 

    This is not an "I'll-fly-to-the-moon-and-back-overnight" training.

    Sacred Depths is 10-months because it takes time to learn, embody, and master all the skills you need to be an exceptional practitioner. This is about REAL learning & progress.

    This is not "Hell, yeah!" Coaching.

    This is coaching that lovingly takes your clients' Natural Rhythms into consideration that they can create sustainable and shame-free forward movement.

    This is not another marketing course. But this program will transform your business. 

    Why? Because when you co-create exceptional results with clients & when you feel more confident in your work… clients are much more likely to come.

    Mastery of your craft is the ultimate business strategy.

    “Sacred Depths was an illuminating, deep-dive program for coaches like myself who are called to take their mastery to the next level so that they can deeply serve their clients.”

    — Terra Christoff
    "I would not have been able to create such a powerful experience for my clients without Joanna's support." 

    — Christine Dyan Thomson
    “I have so much gratitude for what is genuinely a sacred and deep immersion, and for Joanna’s fearless commitment to holding high standards in this field.”

    — Monika Nataraj
    “My desire and ability to market are stronger because of the confidence I gained and I’ve very quickly found new clients. Sacred Depths is more than a course, it’s a life changing journey.”

    — Sharon Epstein
    "I have received so much from my time in Sacred Depths. My coaching has reached an entirely new depth and the places I go with clients are now surprising, empowering, and inspiring. Just as you promised, they are indeed re-signing!" 

    — Alana McKenzie
    “Not only did my skills and capacity to support my clients in their transformations improve significantly, but my client retention and referrals improved as well. People who'd been referred began showing up ready to enroll - and almost 100% of my clients decided to continue on with me!”

    — Kelly Lubeck

    Frequently Asked Questions

    I’m a seasoned and accomplished practitioner. Is this training for me? 

    In short, YES! As a seasoned coach or transformational practitioner, I’m sure you know the importance of constantly holding yourself to a higher standard & being on a journey of continuous learning. I’ve been coaching for nearly two decades, and I am both an expert at it as well as in the perpetual mastery experience.    

    Some of the tools I teach in this program will reinforce what you already know, thus making you more masterful at them. And many other of the tools I teach will be completely new to you, and will help you become even more effective at creating results. Most of the participants who enroll in this program are already incredible coaches & practitioners, forces to be reckoned with. 

    I haven't yet started working with clients. Is this training for me?  

    Sacred Depths is definitely an Advanced and Accelerated training. It is 100% suitable for new practitioners who are very smart and learn quickly, who enjoy going deep with others and are committed to doing exceptional and transformation work. 

    If this is you, then YES!

    Do I need to do the Foundations portion of the program if I've already gone through a coach training?

    About 70% of our participants have already been through at least once coach training before coming to Sacred Depths. The ways that I train you on the Foundational Skills go way deeper than how you’ve been trained in the past - it is ADVANCED Foundational Skills and we get into the nuances and flourishes of all of them so that you become even more precise and even more masterful. These skills can seem like “basics” but they are actually what makes all of the fancier somatic techniques we do in the second half of the program stronger and more effective.

    The Foundations skills in the way I teach them also set you up to be more effective in your group programs and laser coaching in your groups. After going through the Foundations, you’ll be able to laser coach people in your groups quicker, with more depth, and also so that everyone in the room benefits.

    Is Sacred Depths trauma-informed?  

    Sacred Depths is 100% trauma informed. Everything we explore and every technique we learn is based first and foremost on integrity, and on the understanding that it’s our job as practitioners to empower our clients. The training offers a lot of work both on the inner level as well as practical tools & techniques so that we are always honoring our clients’ agency, we are never taking advantage of power dynamics, and we are fully aware of how to hold space for a client that may be bringing trauma, triggers, projections, etc into the container.

    How much time do I need to devote to the training? 

    Between class time, homework and optional buddy coaching time, you can expect do devote anywhere between 5-10 hours per MONTH (we meet for class most weeks, but not every week).

    Even the busiest of participants have shared that they have been able to complete the program and move at a pace that is right for them.

    Do I need to attend the trainings live?

    While I do encourage everyone to make as many training calls as you can live - and to participate (there is plenty of time for Q/A and sharing!), I understand that this isn’t always possible. We have certainly had very satisfied participants successfully complete the program and get certified who have listened to the recordings of each training. Most training calls (with a few exceptions) are 90-minutes at 12:00 PM Eastern on Tuesdays.

    I’m having trouble filling my coaching practice. Should I wait till I am full to do this training?

    If you are going to use this training to hide behind, and not take active action steps to attract clients into your business during our 10-months together, then this is not the place for you right now. 

    But that being said, if you recognize that having more happy clients re-sign in their work you will grow your business, and if you recognize that bringing in more referrals from happy clients will grow your business, and if you recognize that having happy clients spreading the word about your amazing work will grow your business...then working on your coaching & transformational skills is KEY to this type of organic business growth.

    Additionally, if you are just starting out, knowing that you are a stellar practitioner has the potential to create a ton more confidence in yourself, which often leads to a ton more clarity & inspiration to create powerful & effective marketing materials, as well as excited motivation to outreach and be seen.   

    If you sense you need more support & instruction in putting your marketing together, as part of your bonuses for this program, you’ll receive a BUSINESS & MARKETING  INSTRUCTION as part of Sacred Depths, which includes a full homestudy on how to create marketing that is fully aligned with the depth of your work, as well as LIVE coaching Q/A twice a month specifically on marketing and business building.

    I’m not a coach. I am [massage therapist, intuitive, yoga instructor, real estate broker, fill in the blank here]. Is this training for me?

    YES, YES, YES!!!! If you are in the business of creating client transformations or supporting clients (or team members) to create a transformation or result or , then this information and practice will serve you. We have graduated acupuncturists, cranio-sacral therapists, astrologers, reiki masters, psychotherapists, doctors, physical therapists, real estate agents, school teachers, business executives...as well as the full gamut of business coaches, relationship coaches, health coaches, and more.

    10 months is a loooong time. Do we really need that much time to learn the skills?

    I SO hear you. Ten months is a commitment, and especially these days when we are saturated with online content and a little tired of being on zoom.

    That being said, the way we do it in Sacred Depths is different. This is a container that is designed to nourish you, energize you, and to be your happy place each week. There are moments here and there where the 10 months will FEEL like 10 months, but by and large, our time together will zip by. (Time flies when you're having fun!). The skills, tools, and techniques you will learn in Sacred Depths are Master Level Techniques for Human Transformation. We’re not messing around here. We’re talking about you becoming the best of the best and leading your clients (& yourself) to the most sacred, authentic, powerful depths possible. 10 months is a drop in the bucket when you consider how many decades you’ll be applying these learnings over and over and over again.

    I’m seriously considering registering, but I’d love to have a call to make sure it’s for me. Is that possible?

    Absolutely! I totally understand wanting to have a connection and ask questions, and see if this is the right training for you. If you’d like to set up a call, get in touch at info@applieddepthinstitute.com, and we’ll get you set up right away!

    I often fall behind in group programs… How can I keep up & stay accountable?

    I hear you! It CAN be really easy sometimes to fall behind, and I am 1000% committed to you staying on track and getting EXACTLY what you need in our time together. That’s why we have a week off each month for catchup as well as optional accountability and practice buddies (I HIGHLY recommend!). In addition, I am always tracking your experience, and if I don’t “see you around” for a little bit in a session or in our FB group, you can be sure that I’ll be reaching out to you to help get you back on track!

    What are the requirements to receive my official Sacred Depths certification, so that I can promote myself as a Certified Sacred Depths Coach?

    If you would like to be officially certified and promote yourself as a Sacred Depths coach, these are the requirements:
    - 100% Participation (Live or via Recording) in the Program, including completing all homework
    - 18 Documented Partner Coaching Hours (we will provide you with a Coaching Partner)
    - 18 Documented Coaching Client Hours (with either a paid client or volunteer)
    - Submission of two 30-minute Coaching Session for review of Skills & Competencies (you will receive feedback)
    -5 Coaching Sessions with a Certified Sacred Depths Coach
    - Completion of a final exam at the end of the program

    Becoming Official Certified is optional, and the fee is $900 (which can also be divided into payments). You don't need to decide on official certification at the beginning of your program; you can opt in at any time during the training.

    Are there scholarships available?

    We are proud to offer a limited amount of partial scholarships to BIPOC students in every cycle of the training. As a company, we recognize the unbalanced representation for minority communities in the coaching and the transformational industries, and how access to advanced leadership trainings and more diverse and equitable circles can help support better outcomes for all. Our scholarships aim to create a more diverse coaching community that can serve an expanding industry. Sacred Depths scholarships are offered based on financial need to students who come from marginalized communities. We want to hear your voice!

    These scholarships are meant for people who would not otherwise be able to attend the training because their financial resources are limited. If you have the means to pay for the full training, or if you have limited resources but do not identify as BIPOC, payment plans are available.

    You can learn more about our scholarship program by emailing info@applieddepthinstitute.com

    “Everything about working with clients feels lighter now, because of how much deeper I’ve learned to take them.”

    Sacred Depths takes an honest and real approach to the art and science of transformational coaching. The principles, philosophies, and frameworks that Joanna teaches have elevated my soul work and my coaching presence, leading to transformative client results and connections, and a deeper belief in my vision and purpose. Joanna shares and teaches so generously and offers the best to her students and the industry as a whole. Everything about working with clients feels lighter now, because of how much deeper I’ve learned to take them. I’m so grateful for Joanna’s guidance and support. Through Sacred Depths, I’ve evolved as a practitioner and have way more trust in my path as an embodied leader and creator.

    —Gloria Eid

    “I’ve heard from every single client so far that I’ve changed their life.”

    This journey has changed everything for me. I’m using the word ‘Journey’ deliberately here, because more than just a course, Sacred Depths is a journey. One where you can expect to grow and evolve in all possible ways! I came into Sacred Depths with a deep desire to become a coach but not really knowing where to start. What I’ve received at the end of it is not only masterful skills in coaching and transformation but also a deep understanding of the energetic structure that goes hand in hand with client-work. I’ve heard from every single client so far that I’ve changed their life. And I know it’s much thanks to the education and evolution I’ve received through SDTP. Everything Joanna teaches on acts as a support structure that allows clients to feel seen, heard and loved. I couldn’t be happier with what I received from SDTP, it’s a truly transformative journey!

    —Anna Östrand

    "I'm out here buoyed by a cohort of AMAZING and INSPIRING graduates, doing the work & experiencing the magic. "  

    When I started Sacred Depths, I could have told you I might skip the lesson on Accountability Structures. Heebie jeebies. ND kryptonite. Plus, I thought my people were structure-phobes like me. (I wasn't wrong.) But, the way Sacred Depths is structured, within each and every session AND the program as a whole, created room for deep absorption of concepts, techniques, ideas, love. Get it? The structure behind the teaching is the secret sauce. (Shhh.) It's so much more than teaching and learning, more than practice makes perfect. (Spoiler alert: Perfect is not even the goal!)
    It is not possible to articulate all the juicy goodness that I've absorbed through Sacred Depths. It is not possible to compare it to other programs that I've also loved and gotten a ton out of. The main distinction here is that I've sometimes experienced course content as a buffet. Wander in, look around, take something back to try it, might be great or bland or stale. Or oops, over filled so that once it's in front of you, you don't know where to start. I want you to know that with Joanna, you're signing up for chef's table - multi-course with perfect pairings. So graciously and generously offered, in (ahem, structured) ways, that even my finicky neurospicy brainways found irresistable.
    But really, is it worth it? As a MoneyDoula, I've said that an INVESTMENT without implementation is really an EXPENSE.
    The investment in Sacred Depths came with supported integration that essentially paved a path for inevitable implementation.
    I'm out here buoyed by a cohort of AMAZING and INSPIRING graduates, doing the work & experiencing the magic. 
    10/10: Would definitely recommend this product to a friend.  

    — AJ Frenzel

    Here's what

    I want for you...

    More than anything, I want for you to finally leave all of your self-doubt behind. I want you to know in your heart and soul that you are a Sacred Catalyst who makes massive impact on the people you serve. 

    I want you to create the most amazing results for you clients and audiences so that first and foremost YOU feel fantastic about the work you do, and then from there so that you create a community of raving fans who buy from you over and over and over again, and who tell everyone they know about you. I want you to stand as the leader in the room & in your sessions, in your full power, and to activate the power inside of every person you reach. I want you to know that your business is built on quality and on integrity, instead of feeling like you’re always needing to do slimy marketing to get to the next place.  

    I also want for you to join me in this revolution to raise the quality of the transformational and self-help industries, because I believe fully that those of us who commit to mastery and who commit to being the best of the best are the ones who will change and heal the world. 

    "coach" is just the tip of the iceberg...

    Join us to become an Extraordinary Transformational Practitioner
    (& Authentic Entrepreneur!)

    "This is a journey for the committed souls--sensitive, deep thinkers, artists, ritualists... looking to grow their sacred business & selves WITH integrity!!"

    I have grown so much as a result of participating in Joanna’s Sacred Depths Transformational Practitioner Program. I feel so much more comfortable in my enrollment conversations, knowing that they are a gift to the client, regardless of the outcome. This results, naturally, in more clients and much more confidence in my work.  

    I am coaching much more masterfully: I have new lenses through which to look at things (befriending fears, black/white thinking, etc) and I also simply feel so much more confident reflecting the truth & calling out resistances and fears. This results in more powerful results & being able to go much deeper with clients in a shorter amount of time. It also results in clients sticking to the work longer. Being able to go deeper with them creates the trust in the relationship that allows my natural gifts & skills to surface: I have been so much more daring in weaving energy work, dreamwork, & symbols etc. into our sessions, which has created powerful breakthroughs.  

    I also feel a lot more confident following up with people (who miss enrollment calls, etc.) as well as letting go of clients I see are not ideal (not honoring or valuing what I offer). I grew in my confidence—the buddy calls helped with that!! I feel a lot more confident in my pricing & skills. I am a lot more aware of where I still need to grow, namely developing systems, being persistent & consistent, acknowledging my fears, and taking it ONE step at a time. Last but not least, I feel so much more confident with client RESISTANCE & when THEY PROJECT (mommy) onto me and how to deal with it.  

    Unlike every other coach out there that I've worked with, who has either projected onto me or been disempowering in imposing their own filters, ideas, strategies onto me, Joanna is empowering and guides her clients to find their own answers within. This is a crazy balance I have yet to find someone else who masters like Joanna--she provides many tools, much information, hands-on support & guidance--yet, ultimately, empowers you in finding & expressing your OWN voice. To me, this is TRUE empowerment, and I feel so grateful to have been in this container of Sacred Depths. I feel that I've been on an experience that has stimulated me intellectually/cognitively, but also touched and moved me emotionally, creatively, spiritually. I've seen results in my income and with clients, but, most importantly, I feel more on a journey with my coaching & inspired to continue growing in mastery than I ever have.  

    Thanks so much, Joanna!! This is a journey for the committed souls--sensitive, deep thinkers, artists, ritualists... looking to grow their sacred business & selves WITH integrity!!  

    — Tanya Dantus

    "I know exactly what I have to offer and there are no more doubts about my ability to deliver.  "

    — Michelyn Gjurasic

    Still have questions?

    You can speak with a member of Joanna's team! Click the button below to schedule a time:

    Or send us an email at info@applieddepthinstitute.com