I have grown so much as a result of participating in Joanna’s Sacred Depths Transformational Practitioner Program. I feel so much more comfortable in my enrollment conversations, knowing that they are a gift to the client, regardless of the outcome. This results, naturally, in more clients and much more confidence in my work.
I am coaching much more masterfully: I have new lenses through which to look at things (befriending fears, black/white thinking, etc) and I also simply feel so much more confident reflecting the truth & calling out resistances and fears. This results in more powerful results & being able to go much deeper with clients in a shorter amount of time. It also results in clients sticking to the work longer. Being able to go deeper with them creates the trust in the relationship that allows my natural gifts & skills to surface: I have been so much more daring in weaving energy work, dreamwork, & symbols etc. into our sessions, which has created powerful breakthroughs.
I also feel a lot more confident following up with people (who miss enrollment calls, etc.) as well as letting go of clients I see are not ideal (not honoring or valuing what I offer). I grew in my confidence—the buddy calls helped with that!! I feel a lot more confident in my pricing & skills. I am a lot more aware of where I still need to grow, namely developing systems, being persistent & consistent, acknowledging my fears, and taking it ONE step at a time. Last but not least, I feel so much more confident with client RESISTANCE & when THEY PROJECT (mommy) onto me and how to deal with it.
Unlike every other coach out there that I've worked with, who has either projected onto me or been disempowering in imposing their own filters, ideas, strategies onto me, Joanna is empowering and guides her clients to find their own answers within. This is a crazy balance I have yet to find someone else who masters like Joanna--she provides many tools, much information, hands-on support & guidance--yet, ultimately, empowers you in finding & expressing your OWN voice. To me, this is TRUE empowerment, and I feel so grateful to have been in this container of Sacred Depths. I feel that I've been on an experience that has stimulated me intellectually/cognitively, but also touched and moved me emotionally, creatively, spiritually. I've seen results in my income and with clients, but, most importantly, I feel more on a journey with my coaching & inspired to continue growing in mastery than I ever have.
Thanks so much, Joanna!! This is a journey for the committed souls--sensitive, deep thinkers, artists, ritualists... looking to grow their sacred business & selves WITH integrity!!
— Tanya Dantus