Working with Shadow is not for the faint of heart. Or the ill prepared. 

Working with Shadow for 
Deeper Levels of Client Transformation

Working with Shadow

is how we define ourselves as practitioners.

Where we become the ones who masterfully bear witness to the places our clients desperately want to have seen, but have been too afraid. The places that you can hold space for and bring out into the light…

Co-creation happens with the people you serve. Together you create integration.

It is the most sacred work that we do as healers, coaches and transformational experts. 

As a 20-year teacher of the deepest skillsets for human transformation, I’ll admit that I get *a bit* triggered when I see this sword wielded without the deepest respect for its power. 

And so I wrote this. Use it with love. 

In this FREE teaching guide,

 you’ll discover the myriad of (sneaky) ways the Shadow expresses itself.

You’ll understand the skills and qualities you need to be effective in harnessing the profound power of Shadow work.

You’ll gain a reverence for the roots of shadow in the work of Carl Jung, and feel more excited than ever about the potential to become masterful at dancing with The Shadow in its many elusive forms. 

Meet Joanna

Joanna Lindenbaum is the industry leader in the field of working with Shadow and a masterful and deeply loving guide, mentor, facilitator, trainer and coach. She is a powerful voice of integrity, profound wisdom and a masterful practitioner in the art of lasting transformation.


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