Secrets to

transformational group programs

a 3-day curriculum think tank
March 19-21, 2025

Activate your ideas into an unforgettable course.
Create a community of over-the-moon clients.
Stand out as a masterful group facilitator.

Learn how to craft & lead group programs that
help you stand out from the crowd
and create long lasting results with your students.

Whether you’re a seasoned leader or a new course creator, you CAN create extraordinary experiences for your groups:

Become a Master Curriculum Crafter & Group Facilitator.

…and do your own deep inner work to show up as leader with gravitas & integrity.

Creating Life Changing Courses isn’t a mysterious process - there is a methodology you can learn so that you can create “Glowing Fan” clients who are deeply impacted by your work.

I will teach you to:

  • Uncover your Unique Thought Leadership so that you are teaching your exact magic in your courses & retreats  
  • ​​ Shape Your Hero's Journey Curriculum so that your students have a life changing experience in your program
  • Understand what it takes to be a Group Facilitator who activates breakthroughs, vulnerability & community

While you also learn:

  • Working with Resistance in groups so that participants are less likely to drop out or get stuck 
  • ​Activate the 4 Levels of Learning & Transformation in your group exercise so that you become known for depth & true transformation 
  • ​Self-transformation techniques to become more confident in yourself, in your facilitation, sales & outreach 

Step into Group Mastery today!

Regular price: $297

only $97 until 3/13

This 3-Day, 15-hour interactive retreat is on March 19-21.

It is an immersive, paradigm-shifting experience where you will learn dozens of tips & tricks to create group programs that are extraordinary. 

If any of these sound familiar,
I'm so glad you found this page...

"I don't want my courses to just be 'good'. I want them to be extraordinary and make me beyond proud."

“I want to create a group course, but I’m worried I won’t be able to handle resistance or difficult situations."

“It’s a crowded field.
How do I stand out in the sea of leaders?”

“I can't figure out how to weave my ideas into a an effective curriculum."

“I wish more of my clients renewed with me and sent me referrals."

“I love my 1:1 coaching work, but I’m exhausted!"

Developing group courses, workshops, and retreats that co-create powerful results bring in more referrals and income (and free up your calendar). You can absolutely learn to lead in ways that energize instead drain you.

“Help! My last online group course fell flat—people dropped like flies a few weeks in and asked for refunds."

“I have soooo many great ideas…but I don’t know which to put into my course or workshop."

There is a way to gracefully, masterfully & ethically lead group programs that support clients to make real change.

And there is also a way to craft your curriculum with much more ease & confidence!

In our 3 intensive days together, we will dive into each of these 5 Pillars so that you can take the next steps towards world-class transformational group programs. 

"I am coaching much more masterfully. I also feel so much more confident reflecting the truth & calling out resistances and fears. This results in more powerful results & being able to go much deeper with clients in a shorter amount of time." 

—Tanya Dantus

“I have a graduate degree in counseling and never encountered the depth, wisdom and sheer practical instruction that is woven into each training session with Joanna.”  

— Moira Shaughnessy

The Agenda

Here's what you can expect during our time together:

Day One

Clarify Your Life-Changing Curriculum

and activate your Confidence as a group leader

  • ​Learn to Embody the Energetics of a Group Facilitator so that you have more poise & confidence as you lead
  • Start to Shift the deep seated "Fraud Factor" that prevents you from holding truly transformational space... and holds you back from marketing!
  • Strengthen your ability to hold aligned boundaries in your groups so that you don't take over-responsibility
  • Work Archetypally to gain the confidence needed to be more bold in your facilitation, sales & outreach
  • Remove Inner Blocks & Fears that keep you from being clear on your ideas & trusting yourself
  • Uncover your unique Thought Leadership so that you are teaching your exact magic in your courses & retreats
  • ​​Make decisions about what to include in your course, so that your curriculum is uber effective
  • ​Learn how to Shape Your Hero's Journey Curriculum so that your students have a life changing experience in your program


Create Long Lasting Change

Learn to work with Resistance & 
Craft Somatic Exercises that are deeply transformational

Extraordinary group leaders know how to navigate clients through fear & resistance...& they know how to work somatically

  • Understand the psychological underpinnings of Resistance in group work and why you need to pay attention to it as a leader
  • Learn Foundational Principles for working with Resistance in Groups so that participants are less likely to drop out or get stuck
  • Unpack the Mechanics of Fear to be able to create client breakthroughs + show up more powerfully in your work
  • ​Learn the 4 most important principles of working somatically with clients
  • ​Learn the 3-step process of change that every client must go through to reach their goals
  • ​Move beyond breakthrough into understanding how to create REAL client transformation
  • Discover the essential components to any deep-dive, somatic or experiential exercise
  • ​Discover the #1 Principle that will lead you to way more effective sales conversations (because a big part of sales conversations is navigating client resistance & fear!)

Day Three

Activate Students to Re-sign with you over & over again

by mastering Advanced Breakthrough & Invitation Skills

This is a "bonus" day where you will learn transformational & marketing principles that inspire your students to want to continue working with you

  • Hone your ability to activate the 4 Levels of Learning & Transformation in your group work (cognitive, emotional, spirit-level and somatic)
  • ​​Learn important pillars of being trauma-informed and ethically staying within the scope of your work & expertise
  • ​Discover the most potent bookends needed for a transformational group program, retreat, circle or homestudy course (without these, your students won't fully integrate the breakthroughs in their work with you)
  • ​Learn the 5-step process of effectively inviting group course students to re-sign with you over and over again (this is pure gold!)

Dates & Times
All Sessions are Virtual

Wednesday - March 19, 2025
11am EST - 6pm EST

Thursday - March 20, 2025
11am EST - 6pm EST

Friday - March 21, 2025
11am EST - 3pm EST

Join Us Today!

Regular price: $297

only $97 until 3/13

We're known
for going deeper.

 This training retreat is like nothing you've attended before.

At Applied Depths, we’re creating a revolution in the coaching and transformational industries. We’re committed to the highest standards of integrity, quality, service and training.

That’s why, when you attend our retreats and courses…

  • You won’t learn to create an ineffective cookie cutter program that only yields surface level results and feels disconnected from the soul level work you want to bring forward
  • You won’t be lectured to by “the speaker” - you’ll experience first hand how deep transformational exercises can be done over the internet
  • ​You won’t feel like an imposter - your course curriculum will come from your unique voice…and not sound like everyone else’s
Being a participant in Joanna Lindenbaum’s Curriculum Lab was a game changer for me... I highly recommend the Curriculum Lab if you are looking to deepen, transform and rise 100% fully in your work, and raise the bar in sharing your gifts with the world."

— Brooks Haislip
“Joanna's clear guidance...allowed me to take my clients through a powerful and life-changing healing process in an online format, something I had never thought possible!”

— Diana Beaulieu
Joanna knows what it takes to create powerful shifts in others. She embodies integrity, communicates powerfully and offers so much new language to help you reach your clients in your business, connect with them deeply and help transform their lives." 

— Ray Mardia

"I now have so much confidence when serving clients who needed to go deep or get uncomfortable in order to move forward."

—Gwenn Prinbeck

"Joanna’s commitment to generating mastery in others leads to an opportunity for others to experience themselves as extraordinary in the midst of living in their ordinary lives.

—Heather Lawrence

“Clarity. Inspiration. Confidence. These are just a few of the gems I received from participating in Joanna’s Curriculum Lab program.”

—Brooke Hofsess

Your courses, workshops & retreats can

Be Life Changing for your Students, so that they become Glowing Fans who Refer you consistently, and who stay with you for years.

Register Today!

Regular price: $297

special rate: $97
until 3/13

This 3-Day, 15-hour interactive retreat is on March 19-21.

It is an immersive, paradigm-shifting experience where you will learn dozens of tips & tricks to create group programs that are extraordinary.

Joanna will set you up for THE best marketing you could ever have in your business – scores of happy clients you’ve helped in ways greater than you could have ever hoped for, or imagined.”

Elizabeth Purvis

"Have you ever been part of something very powerful, and someone asks you to describe it, and all you can say is, “You’d have to have been there to really get it.” There is an alchemy that happens in the mixture of deep and amazing content, Joanna’s gift for presence and teaching, and the coaches who are attracted to her program. I am so grateful to have been a part of it all."

—Bruce Anderson

"Through both the practical and energetic work with Joanna, I have an entirely new life that is centered on my heart-work that I could not have even envisioned before"

—Miranda Maher

Meet Your

Mentor & Guide 

Joanna Lindenbaum has coached & trained thousands around the world for nearly 25 years. She is a powerhouse of human psyche insight, grounded intuition, and transformational techniques, which she generously shares with her students. 

Joanna is a potent combination of depth and sacredness with laser focused strategy, and she has a magical way of supporting each student to feel seen, heard, and loved. 

She values integrity, being trauma-informed, and authenticity, and this shines through in all her work.

Because of the depth, quality, caring and extraordinary skills that Joanna brings to her work, her business runs mainly through happy clients that re-sign with her over and over again, and the referrals they send to her.

You Won’t Want to Miss A Minute of This Impactful Event If:

  • You’re ready to lead group work that makes you proud
  • You want to go deeper than you have before - feeling confident in your facilitation skills without fear of inevitable client resistance or leaky group containers
  • You want to take your clients on a deep journey of transformation -  becoming their trusted guide as they evolve, grow, and co-create deeper results than they thought possible
  • ​You are ready for you own next set of heart-opening breakthroughs so that you can step more into who you are as a transformational leader
  • You're looking for ways to finally crystalize a curriculum that will become your legacy program
  • ​You want to know how to handle resistance in group programs
"My client work is richer because of any training I have done with Joanna. She offers a very practical way of guiding very deep experiences for me as a coach that ultimately benefits my clients.

— Linda Yetman
"Joanna models what she teaches making it really easy to see and get the learning at a core level. Her teachings have forever changed me and the impact I’m able to make. "  

— Justine Arian-Edwards
"My clients now regularly rave about their sessions and send me emails afterwards saying how helpful they were."

—Monica Shah
"Joanna is one of the best coaches in the industry. I sign up for every program she is offering because of how powerful the work is."

— Rachel L Rider

Craft Your Unique Magic Into an Irresistible, Life-Changing Course and Become the Incomparable Group Course Facilitator You’re Meant to Be.

"I would not have been able to create such a powerful experience for my clients without Joanna's support." 

— Christine Dyan Thomson
“I have so much gratitude for what is genuinely a sacred and deep immersion, and for Joanna’s fearless commitment to holding high standards in this field.”

— Monika Nataraj
“My desire and ability to market are stronger because of the confidence I gained and I’ve very quickly found new clients.

— Sharon Epstein

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m a seasoned and accomplished course leader. Is this retreat for me?

In short, YES! As a seasoned transformational leader, I’m sure you know the importance of constantly holding yourself to a higher standard & being on a journey of continuous learning. I share and model ADVANCED skills at Secrets to Transformational Group Programs - you will be delighted with what you learn!

This is my first time creating & leading a group course. Is this training for me?

Secrets to Transformational Group Programs is 100% suitable for new practitioners who are very smart and learn quickly, who enjoy going deep with others and are committed to doing exceptional and transformation work. 
If this is you, then YES!

I’m not a coach. I am a [massage therapist, yoga instructor, real estate broker, fill in the blank here]. 
Is this training for me?

YES, YES, YES!!!! If you are in the business of creating client transformations or supporting clients (or team members) to create a result, then this information and practice will serve you. 

Do I need to attend all 3 days? And is the retreat recorded?

While I HIGHLY recommend saving the time in your calendar to attend the full event (& you will WANT to; what we cover is sooo good!), I understand that life happens and you may need to miss some of the event. That's OK. Each session is filled to the brim with content and you will still receive a LOT if you can't come to each session. There will not be recordings available.

Will I walk away with my curriculum completed?

Ahhh...if only! Here's something I stand for: it takes TIME to craft a stellar curriculum. To let it marinate. To allow the various threads to weave together in brilliant ways. Anyone that tells you that you can develop an effective, layered, and deep curriculum in a few days has probably never really created or experienced the type of depth & gravitas that I teach my students to create. You will absolutely make some beautiful headway on your curriculum during our 3-days (AND be inspired to keep on going, AND learn so much about facilitation), and if you are looking to complete a curriculum, I'll be sharing about my 10-week Life Changing Programs Training.

"Joanna is a next level coach. She’s done (and continues to do) the inner work necessary to be able to hold masterful space for her clients.

I was surprised that I was able to get to my core issues so quickly and (relatively) painlessly in a short session with her.

In the three day workshop I just attended, she offered key pieces to help us get unstuck and move forward with our heart’s calling as well as demonstrating how you can use these skills with clients so that our sessions can also be next level. The whole webinar was lit up with ‘aha’ moments for me and pretty much every attendee.

I’ve seen a lot of coaches and coach trainers, and Joanna is clearly the top person I’d recommend if you want to learn coaching skills."

— Aiyana McKenzie

Secrets to

Group programs

Craft Your Unique Magic Into an Irresistible, Life-Changing Course and Become the Incomparable Group Course Facilitator You’re Meant to Be.

Regular price: $297

only $97
until 3/13

3-Day Virtual Training & Curriculum Think Tank: March 19-21, 2025