when I started my business, 20 years ago, I already understood how the natural cycles impact and our lives and businesses and projects.
My ability to work with the natural cycles - and their archetypal equivalents - is what has allowed me all these years to consistently grow a thriving business with many hundreds of clients & students each year AND time left over for myself and my family.
My experience with the natural cycles (I like to call them the Sacred Rhythms) have supported me to know which programs to offer, which programs not to offer, when to raise my rates, when I should do more marketing and when I should do less. It has supported me to be more in the flow versus constantly struggling against the flow.
This is in no way to say that the path has been effortless. At times, there has been much effort!
But with the cycles and Sacred Rhythms guiding me, I’ve known which moments require more effort and which moments require letting go and resting.